Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] the wrong " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just that I seem to rub you up the wrong way ?
2 Somehow you can put up with and even smile at a stranger or workmate 's silly antics and daft behaviour , but when someone close to you starts rubbing you up the wrong way you 'll explode .
3 Trouble was , he never would listen to orders , rubbed everyone up the wrong way .
4 As an outsider , probably being the only Englishman in the quarries , you know I I think they were surprised , the fact that it was a local family , I think that 's what really rubbed them up the wrong way .
5 I had not at that time met any Americans but the sight of them prowling through what was now my favourite town , talking in their unfamiliar accents to anyone who would listen , rubbed me up the wrong way .
6 ‘ Even though Father always manages to rub me up the wrong way .
7 ‘ Well , he rubs me up the wrong way .
8 But you know what I mean ; when a marriage or relationship is going wrong and it 's like everything that one person says or does n't say , or does or does n't do , seems to rub the other one up the wrong way .
9 Instead , here she was , creeping around her own house like a burglar , trying to avoid a man who rubbed her up the wrong way .
10 You must have touched her up the wrong way .
11 Oh Gabriel , Gabriel , you 've got it completely the wrong way rou … ’
12 ‘ All right , all right , ’ she quickly agreed as it dawned on her that if he was who she thought he was then she was going about it completely the wrong way if she hoped for an interview .
13 Unless you 've been calling my bluff since day one , you should be able to see off any mere mortal who rubs us up the wrong way . ’
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