Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pers pn] feel " in BNC.

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1 His shaking hands with me made me feel half hero , half saint .
2 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
3 The calm , thoughtful way she acknowledged them and talked them through with me made me feel that we had taken the first step towards friendship .
4 Just watching them made me feel ill .
5 Something about them made him feel deeply afraid , but he knew that he could n't just stand there .
6 Can I make them feel good about themselves/reinforce their self-image ?
7 ‘ That was because I came from the most stable period of his life and I made him feel secure . ’
8 I make you feel suffocated , do I , with my loving ?
9 Ya make me feel good !
10 Resting there , in the protection of the mighty canopy , was an object which made him feel faint with fear .
11 Paul could n't get over how his headmaster had been just to see him which made him feel very important which I thank you for .
12 Evans stirred in his chair : there was something sinister about Horowitz which made him feel uneasy .
13 More probably he had tapped a fresh source of energy in himself — call it the power of love — which made him feel invincible .
14 This not only showed how out of touch with the English political scene Tyndale was , but illustrated the honesty or obstinacy which made him feel that he had to declare his opposition to the divorce , although it had been supported by most of the other Reformers .
15 And it was not only that he had not got what he had hoped for , nor was it the jealousy which made him feel unsure .
16 It was that — that sense of unpreparedness — which made him feel restless standing there ; made him turn and pace the room impatiently .
17 She was also flushed and evidently in a state of unrest , which made him feel chivalrous and sympathetic .
18 Matthew thought his mother sounded very young , her voice bright with some emotion he could not quite define but which made him feel instantly — paternally — protective .
19 There was a sort of noisy anonymity about the rattling carriage which made him feel safe .
20 They let me have one last look and told me that it belonged to someone in another band — which made me feel really guilty .
21 When I rode Docklands Express in his work , I was thinking I would probably be having my fourth Grand National ride on Bonanza Boy — then there were reports of rain across the country , which made me feel quite satisfied to be on Martin Pipe 's runner .
22 He also told me that I now had a younger brother , Russell , which made me feel excited and wonder that he could be like .
23 He told me that with chicken pox I should n't be with the team , and he kept making remarks which made me feel embarrassed .
24 Then I picked up my things at the stationer 's and walked home , ignoring the distressing tugs of the magnetic field , which made me feel I 'd wasted my morning by not doing the thing I 'd set out to do .
25 Suddenly , I saw something which made me feel ill .
26 Elsie B graced me with a long chat which made me feel as if I 'd been in the presence of royalty , though I suspect not too many members of the Royal Family are at their desk as early as Elsie .
27 I was not dilating and my husband said , ‘ Perhaps you 're not very tolerant of pain ’ which made me feel awful although I realise he meant it kindly .
28 The man was perfectly cool , but he gave me a very evil look , which made me feel sick in my stomach .
29 It tastes very good , certainly nothing like the Cheltenham Spa water which made me feel ill
30 ‘ And he gave me a big cuddle even though I 'm 16 , which made me feel tons better straight away . ’
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