Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 In the process of definition the subdivisions of the gentry are shown to have been as numerous as those of the peerage ( which for the present purpose need not be set out in detail ) , and noticeably more complex .
2 ‘ General opinion is that the rate will result in increased tariffs , which under the present economic conditions will serve only to reduce competitiveness , ’ the survey said .
3 The extension will also have the effect that the offences of theft and criminal deception will overlap and that conduct which under the present law is larceny by a trick and that which is obtaining by false pretences will be the same offence of criminal deception .
4 Nobody in the present cast is in the race , ’ wrote Gordon Gow , ‘ with the single exception of Walter Matthau who deadpans beautifully as the miser Vandergelder and even gets away with his preposterous volte-face in the telescoped conclusion . ’
5 Consequently , the starting point for the restoration of the equilibrium must be its disruption , the function of which in the present case is to restore the balance , but at the same time on an even more deeply contradictory basis .
6 The assumption made in empirical studies is that a selective excise is passed on fully , and that there is no change in factor incomes , which in the present context means , and .
7 An arbitrary temperature T o is first chosen to serve as a reference which in the present case is 298 K. As values of the relaxation modulus have been measured at widely differing temperatures , they must be corrected for changes in the sample density with temperature to give a reduced modulus , where ρ and ρ o are the polymer densities at T and T o respectively .
8 The story of the abrupt curtailment of life in Pompeii by the eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79 and the subsequent preservation of the city , not only its architecture but of the stuff of life itself — bread , utensils , eggs and bodies of humans , dogs and birds — through the protection of its coating of lava and ash is a well known one and has been fully and vividly recounted many times from the eye-witness story of Pliny himself to the present day .
9 Lamenting ‘ the feeling of morbid sympathy with criminals which at the present moment undoubtedly exists ’ , The Times ( 18 November 1856 ) had arrived at a sorry conclusion : ‘ Philanthropy , like crinoline , has become the fashion . ’
10 Wave power was ‘ back at square one ’ with none of the present crop of devices ‘ ready to go to large-scale trial ’ .
11 Few people can appreciate Basil 's contribution for none of the present generation started with him in the County , and none of those who have come and gone over the years has ever had the same influence with the teachers for he had a diffidence and a modesty which helped then , a lot .
12 Although none of the present members go back more than 10 years ( canoeing tends to be a young sport ) the club has existed since 1952 .
13 And so the last page or so is given over to French names : Corbière and Jammes and De Regnier ; Tailhade and Romains ; Vildrac , Spire and Arcos — poets who at the present day have few readers even among the French .
14 An option for processing mail has been selected and no mail exists for you at the present time .
15 If a supplier decides to increase his market share by attracting higher usage by occasional users , he must first attempt to find out whether they buy competitors ' goods or not , or where there is something about the present marketing mix which dissuades them from buying more frequently .
16 Second I want to say a few words about the efforts that have been made in the last twelve months to increase the G M B's role in the building and civil engineering industries and third I want to say something about the present serious situation in the building industry pay talks .
17 Nor , again , would local authorities be prevented from continuing to build at something like the present rate — though ( as will presently be shown ) for different purposes .
18 These exact boundaries date from local government reorganization in 1974 but something like the present administrative area has existed since the establishment of regional commissioners for the maintenance of supplies in the 1920s .
19 In an attempt to find a model of the universe in which many different initial configurations could have evolved to something like the present universe , a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Alan Guth , suggested that the early universe might have gone through a period of very rapid expansion .
20 One can also add that there is something in the present policies of the SDLP which suggest a need to maintain a somewhat fragile unity in respect of the national question .
21 A fuller understanding of the international economic order and modern migratory pressures also requires an analysis , inevitably a very brief one in the present context , of the British impact on the Indian states that came to form one of the centrepieces of the British Empire and the so-called ‘ jewel in the crown ’ .
22 Whatever sympathy one might feel for the restaurateur in the present case ( or for any other defendant who might suffer economic loss , social ostracism , shame or intimidation as a result of publication of details pending charges which may or may not result in his conviction ) nothing in the present case comes close to satisfying Lord Diplock 's test .
23 There seems nothing in the present arrangements to prevent two similarly disabled old people being in adjacent rooms in a nursing home , one of whom has her lifetime earnings bled down by ‘ community care ’ while the family of the other looks forward to an undiminished inheritance courtesy of the NHS .
24 At one extreme , the consumer could spend nothing in the present period and save all of his present income so that in the future period he can spend as much as Y t + 1 ; + ( 1 + i ) Y t ; that is , his future income plus his saved present income plus interest .
25 Indeed there are strong resemblances between them , especially when one looks back on them from the present day and across all that has happened in theology since Ritschl .
26 The county of Gloucestershire has seen some turbulent times over the centuries , not least of them in the present one .
27 In 1551 , Bishop Scory leased the Manor and its lands to Robert Deane , for 99 years when they passed at his death to his daughter Sylvestre , then ultimately to the family of Dalison , who who maintained their interest in them until the present century , or at least certain land .
28 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
29 The government 's position is that the major decisions on countering global warming will have to wait on international agreement at the 1992 UN conference on the environment , which would project them beyond the present government .
30 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
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