Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] himself against " in BNC.

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1 Where it did not , how far did it allow him to assert himself against the trustee and the property he had acquired in place of the object under trust ?
2 Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag .
3 He might have had it with him to protect himself against " an imminent and particular threat " .
4 He hugged himself against the sudden freezing wind then scrambled to his feet as it whipped the first drops of rain through the open door .
5 He clenched himself against them , tightening himself , determined not to be taken unawares .
6 Somewhere down there he stubbed himself against an ill-defined but hard mass of fact , and brought it up to the surface to examine it .
7 He hardened himself against the sight of her ; even so he felt himself moved .
8 I 'll see you , phone you one day in the week , I saw the post lady coming up the drive and I said to Henry who 's that , he threw himself against the top window so there was indeed someone coming up the drive , tore into the dinning room , picked up his tennis ball , raced back to the window and wow , wow , wow , with his ball in his mouth , and I said Henry you 're really going to frightened off intruders with a ball in your mouth , I said .
9 As the kiss lingered , she was made aware of his hardness as he pressed himself against her .
10 Again he pressed himself against the wall and peered cautiously into the hall .
11 Leaning forward , he pressed himself against her back , his mouth kissing the nape of her neck , and his hands raising her skirt , creeping fingers against her thighs , touching her in that most private part .
12 It excited her to feel a man like him shudder as he pressed himself against her , to feel his weakness underneath all that Parisian aplomb .
13 He braced himself against the sides of that smooth slanting chimney in almost foetal position and began to force his way upward by flexing .
14 He braced himself against the now torrential downpour and grabbed the door handle with both hands , hauling the sliding door back across the opening but stopping short of banging it closed .
15 The muscles of his legs and arms bulged alarmingly and shone with sweat as he braced himself against the bulkheads to study the small control panel .
16 He supported himself against a pillar with his free hand .
17 His breathing gradually slowed as he propped himself against one edge of the desk , drinking .
18 Grabbing at the Zodiac 's tow line , he held himself against the river for a moment , getting his breath back .
19 As the train thundered over a set of points he steadied himself against her seat for a moment , then wandered off down the aisle .
20 Then he hurled himself against the rigid flap of wall , pushing it , bending it back into the hole , stamping on it as he forced his way into the darkness beyond .
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