Example sentences of "[prep] a quarter to " in BNC.

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1 Just after a quarter to one , I came to the pipe and waited quietly in its shadow .
2 Smoke and flames were spotted shortly after a quarter to six at the house in Girdlestone Road , Cowley .
3 If necessary adjust the pitch attitude a maximum of a quarter to a half bar at any one time .
4 Corrections to maintain the glide path are made with attitude changes of a quarter to half a bar .
5 I set the alarm clock for a quarter to midnight , and settled down for a couple of hours sleep .
6 The triangular shape is also common : starting with a broad base , narrowing steadily as one goes away from it for a quarter to half a mile , until one reaches the outlet in a main road of the normal width .
7 She usually arrived about a quarter to nine , greeted her colleague , read her correspondence , and was then prepared to face the assembled school .
8 No one is to leave this office before a quarter to five .
9 Open fields without hedges or other divisions were awkwardly split up in a system known as ‘ run-rig ’ between joint small tenants living in a small village or ‘ fermetoun ’ , each annually allocated strips or ‘ rigs ’ of from a quarter to half an acre , with a rough- and ready attempt to balance the better and poorer land between the respective individuals .
10 Certainly in the first 10 years that the two species overlapped , the proportion of magpie nests which were parasitised rocketed from a quarter to more than three quarters , as the cuckoos switched away from the more discriminating meadow buntings .
11 Those with a proportion of gold amounting to from a quarter to three quarters must have been intentional alloys .
12 At the latter , over the third quarter of the eighteenth century , slavers rose from a quarter to a third of the merchant fleet .
13 ‘ After dinner you had coffee with Dr Darnell until a quarter to ten .
14 Quarter past seven until a quarter to eight .
15 She 'd had bad times before she got the flat , but with the flat and the job she felt herself well off She worked from six in the morning to a quarter to nine , getting the offices clean and tidy for the staff who came in at nine o'clock , and for two hours in the evening , from six-thirty to eight-thirty .
16 Look ; it 's a quarter to nine now , you 'll be here till a quarter to ten fiddling around .
17 I thought it was the other church , the one near the market , and I waited there till a quarter to twelve , and then I realized my mistake .
18 She arrived at work at a quarter to nine and went straight to the studio .
19 At a quarter to twelve he phoned back .
20 And at a quarter to twelve last Tuesday , Bentley made the most of it .
21 At a quarter to eleven the taxi came for me .
22 At a quarter to three I was in position behind the grime-sprayed glass of a bus shelter on the Banbury Road .
23 ‘ Oh yes — only I 've got to catch the last bus home and it leaves at a quarter to eleven … ’
24 Off I went to resume normal existence and my first priority , since it was now nearly nine o'clock and I was due to meet Jack Mason at a quarter to ten , was breakfast .
25 At a quarter to nine precisely , Father Johnson entered the church and began to celebrate Mass before the little group of kneeling worshippers .
26 At a quarter to twelve he left .
27 The night patrol was meant to come and turn the lights off at a quarter to ten , but sometimes they would n't turn up until eleven or half eleven .
28 If everything went well , they would get there at a quarter to two and wait for Johann to open the front door .
29 The worst moment of all , he thought , had been at a quarter to nine that morning , when he had been roused from the bottom depths of heavy , dream-tangled sleep by the door bell , and when , having stumbled across the room , still not knowing where he was or what was happening , he had found Mrs. Mounce at the door , asking if she could do any shopping for them .
30 At a quarter to one on 9 September the Commandant of the camp , Colonello Vicedomini , ordered the doors to be opened and the barbed wire cut .
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