Example sentences of "[prep] the 1981 [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An annual expenditure of some £3 million to £10 million might be involved , compared with about £40 million for the 1981 Census .
2 Although one suspects that the extreme rural and intermediate rural areas would be reduced in area if the same exercise were repeated for the 1981 census ( unfortunately it has n't and anyway would be difficult to do so since local authority boundaries have changed since 1971 ) , the analysis did allow Cloke ( 1978 ) to compare degrees of rurality between 1961 and 1971 , and to produce a three-fold typology of rural areas that were becoming increasingly non-rural , were static or becoming increasingly rural , and to produce maps of these three types for each of the four rural areas shown in Figure 5.5 .
3 These compare with the actual rates of 1.6 ( 95% confidence interval 1.0 to 2.6 ) and 3.5 ( 2.6 to 4.7 ) per 100 000 for probable and broad Alzheimer 's disease for the 1981 census year .
4 The value of the data base to researchers will be enhanced by the systematic inclusion of references to allow the identification of the parliamentary constituency within each ward falls ; the tracing of changes in ward boundaries over the period since 1973 ; and the matching of ward level electoral data with material collected for the 1981 census .
5 Once again we will be using Avery Hill College as the venue for the 1981 Easter Course when Bedu will be teaching assisted by Society Trainers .
6 Finally , we are trying to obtain independent 1 km grid square estimates for the 1981 population .
7 The corresponding figures for the 1981 cohort were 12 and 27 ) .
8 In response to this tuition in examination techniques was introduced for the 1981 cohort and the statistical difference between matriculated and non matriculated students was eliminated .
9 Environmentalists paid it little heed : they spent the decade prior to 1983 worrying about issues such as the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act , the third London airport , motorways and nuclear power .
10 These investigations such as the 1981 report on the CEGB have been quite critical of the way nationalized industries have been run .
11 In our fifth report we compared the Leeds conception of PNP coordinator with other versions : the role of SEN coordinator which emerged after the 1981 Education Act , and that of curriculum coordinator , first tentatively identified by Plowden ( CACE 1967 ) , then developed in the 1970s and 1980s by HMI and others ( DES 1978b , House of Commons 1986 , Campbell 1985 , Taylor 1986 ) .
12 In the weeks after the 1981 earthquake , it discovered a jumble of these electric pulses superimposed on the normal electrical properties of the solid Earth .
13 The journalists submitted that the directives were unlawful because they conflicted with the duty of the BBC and IBA under section 4 of the 1981 Act to preserve ‘ due impartiality ’ .
14 Here the LEA had argued that a child ( J ) with dyslexia did not have special educational needs requiring special educational provision for the purposes of the 1981 Act , because he was an intelligent child whose needs could be provided for in an ordinary school .
15 In the doctor 's opinion the boy clearly had special educational needs for the purposes of the 1981 Act .
16 The procedures of the 1981 Act ensure that statements are drawn up on the basis of the pupil 's individual needs , but with the general aim of ensuring , as far as possible , an education comparable with that of the pupil 's age group in the mainstream .
17 It may eventually become apparent that the successful implementation of the 1981 Act was made impossible because in the early stages of its introduction too many teachers were frustrated at the lack of support they received .
18 It is not appropriate here to analyse , nor even to state , the many reasons for this difficulty , but after scrutinising the research findings I have to say that LEAs have on the whole not seen the implications of the 1981 Act for social services departments or district health authorities .
19 Only a third of LEAs had arranged any training for social services departments about the purpose and procedures of the 1981 Act , and only a few more ( 38 per cent ) had arranged training for health authorities .
20 However dramatically their powers and responsibilities may have been extended by the 1986 and 1988 Acts , their legal duties in this matter remain exactly as stated in section 2(5) of the 1981 Act .
21 In the following section we use case history data to identify ways in which the professional — parent relationship operates within the context of the 1981 Act .
22 I have to say that this is unlikely under section 5 of the 1981 Act , although there remains the fairly remote possibility of it being available in England ( as in Australia ) at common law .
23 Section 6(b) of the 1981 Act would then come into play since this makes it clear that the Act does not remove common law defences or qualifications to liability .
24 Finally , I shall refer briefly to section 4(2) of the 1981 Act which qualifies the general rule that a fair and accurate report of legal proceedings will not amount to a contempt .
25 There are other provisions of the 1981 Act which have either created difficulties in practice ( as in the case of s.8 which is headed ‘ Confidentiality of Jury 's Deliberations ’ ) or which have been interpreted restrictively ( as in the case of s.10 , which is concerned with the protection of journalists ' sources of information ) .
26 These have revealed some important areas for development , particularly if the learner with special needs is to be integrated in the spirit of the 1981 Act ( see Clough , 1983 , for principles underpinning this work ) .
27 Section 4(1) of the 1981 Act provides : ’ Subject to this section a person is not guilty of contempt of court under the strict liability rule in respect of a fair and accurate report of legal proceeding held in public , published contemporaneously and in good faith . ’
28 The Law Lords were upholding a lower court 's decision that the Southern Water Authority had not breached the terms of the 1981 Act by damaging a site of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) .
29 Furthermore , the 1986 Disabled Persons Act , arising from a private member 's Bill and now on the statute book , seeks to carry forward for adults some of the more positive features of the 1981 Education Act — for example , it provides for the rights of all people with disabilities to take part or be represented in discussion and decision-making concerning services provided for them .
30 The philosophy of the Warnock Report ( Department of Education and Science , 1978 ) greatly influenced the content of the 1981 Education Act , particularly with its recommendation that varying and individual educational needs should be acknowledged , rather than prejudged on the basis of categories .
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