Example sentences of "[prep] the changes in " in BNC.

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1 This factor also accounts for the changes in the shares of imports taken from the Soviet Union and the developing countries in these years .
2 There are two main reasons for the changes in these proportions .
3 We must , in , be constantly aware that correlation , a systematic relationship between two variables X and Y , does not imply causation ; it may be that a change in a characteristic or variable X causes a change in another variable Y , it might be that a change in Y causes a change in X , it might be that they both affect each other , or it might be that neither affects the other , but that a change in a further variable , Z , is responsible for the changes in both X and Y.
4 Rather more ideologically committed to a new form of politics were those for whom anti-semitism was seen as the reason for the changes in British and European society engendered by the first World War .
5 Look out for the changes in February 's BROWNIE .
6 No resources were allocated for the changes in procedures necessitated by the care programme approach ( Hudson , 1992 ) , although the Mental Illness Specific Grant was identified as a potential source of funding for new initiatives in social care which could be complementary to the introduction of care programming .
7 The financial information presented above is based on the Group 's audited consolidated accounts for LASMO alone , restated for the changes in accounting policy adopted in 1991 .
8 To put forward as proof or as an example : He adduced the reasons , as he saw them , for the changes in literary style during the last century .
9 No allowance is made for the changes in factor prices consequent on the fall in capital ; nor is any account taken of the financing of the debt interest .
10 Having secured backing on Nov. 17 from the USSR Supreme Soviet for the changes in outline , Gorbachev had submitted detailed proposals to that body and secured its endorsement on Dec. 4 by 281 votes to 17 after a brief debate .
11 The results of applying the market model to these data are shown in Fig. 6.7 , where the ex-post returns have been plotted against betas which have been adjusted for the changes in the cash holdings of the unit trusts : Ward and Saunders argue that these managerial decisions are particularly important in determining unit trust performance .
12 Moreover , if such an increase in chlorophyll-specific production had occurred and was responsible for the changes in zooplankton biomass , the hypothesized increase in primary productivity would have to reflect an increase in new production which , in turn , must be fuelled by a systematic increase in nutrient supply to the region .
13 In any case , there are earthier explanations , such as the changes in sea level favoured by Newell ( 1963 and 1967 ) , or changes in climate ( perhaps themselves brought about by changes in the earth 's magnetism ) which are favoured by many authors .
14 As the changes in direction of WEU policy continued to develop , concerns were expressed over the future of various joint arms development projects which had been agreed within its general parameters .
15 Control of money supply ( M3 ) has been erratic , and it has proved difficult to establish a relationship between the changes in M3 and the fall in inflation .
16 Nor does the crude coincidence of the Suez episode with the run-up to an American presidential election tell all about the changes in Anglo-American relations which flowed from 1956 .
17 He then talked about the changes in the power blocs , adding that those like himself who had expected the coherence of Europe to develop strongly had found the reality ‘ disappointing ’ .
18 Jack told Ho about the changes in his life : his mother 's re-marriage , the harsh reality of the north-east , Tina 's rough charm and her painful bonding to her family , and finally Ken 's so-called accident .
19 Mum told Mary about the changes in the arrangements but Mary was n't at all pleased .
20 Karen Sands , of the foundation , said that she had no particular worries about the changes in the short term .
21 Now our London art market correspondent talks to Christophe Lázar about the changes in the intervening months and Colnaghi 's plans for its Paris gallery .
22 I call that a restricted international perspective because it does not explain or attempt to explain how production is organized internationally and , to my mind , a theory can not do that unless it says something about the changes in the organization of labour that go along with innovations in machinery , transport , instruments and products .
23 What can this theory tell us about the changes in the UK economy 's international position in the structural changes of the 1970s/1980s ?
24 I asked her about the changes in her life since the NI featured her in 1979 .
25 The Minister misses one essential point about the changes in the labour market .
26 I shall also talk ( briefly ) about the changes in computing management here .
27 Some of you have asked about the changes in the current training course We have been forced to cut initial training to four terms .
28 He needed a minister with the strength of character , reforming zeal and awareness of technological opportunities to push through the changes in Defence policy that he had in mind to help in the consolidation of his political power .
29 However , none of us should forget the relief of misery and the ending of conflict which have come about through the changes in Ethiopia , in Angola and in Cambodia , and we should not forget the changes in Vietnam , in Mozambique and in the western Sahara .
30 After the changes in western policy in Bosnia , we look at the prospects for peace there , at the ‘ safe areas ’ for Muslims and at the province of Serbia that could become the next Balkan flashpoint
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