Example sentences of "[prep] the same street " in BNC.

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1 And you also get sometimes two people off the same street
2 Two new military compounds were constructed in the centre of the town and south of the same street ; their enclosing walls respected the existing temples .
3 We accept that shops or factories be forbidden in some zones and not others and that parking be prohibited on alternate sides of the same street on alternate days .
4 ‘ I did n't set out to find you — it 's sheer coincidence that I should chance to walk along the same street and into the same pub .
5 If it had n't been a yorker I 'd have looked an absolute idiot , I would n't have been in the same street , let alone cricket ground .
6 He and I live in the same street .
7 Mrs Titcombe , Rhoda 's mother , lived with her son less than fifty yards from Carter in the same street .
8 Just under half lived in the same household as the dementia sufferer ( 45 per cent ) ; most of the remainder lived within easy reach : 14 per cent in the same street or only a few minutes ' walk away , 20 per cent within two miles , ten per cent within five miles , and only 11 per cent further than five miles away ( although in Newham 36 per cent of the principal carers lived more than two miles away compared with only 12 per cent in Ipswich ) .
9 I have a deep respect for Cranham Baptist Church which meets in the same street as the Community Church .
10 We may be placed in the same street , but there is room for both of us and more .
11 A widower can become something of a ‘ cause ’ to those living in the same street or block of flats , whereas a widow , although not shunned , may be to some extent avoided by all but the most caring individuals in the early days of her bereavement .
12 While standing in the same street , joy would notice the creative window displays and smiling faces , hear the laughter and smell the roasting chestnuts on the street corner ; while Gloom would see the traffic , litter and inflated prices , hear the honking horns and smell the exhaust fumes .
13 ‘ My horse Alflora was third today and he would n't be in the same street as User Friendly .
14 I started coming just after Mike came — that was four seasons ago , and Martin he came two seasons ago and he used to live in the same street as me . ’
15 We lodged in the same street .
16 Minton could also be found at another club in the same street , the Mandrake .
17 Barrère has not been admitted to the Jar din Massey in any form , but he does get a plaque on the house where he was born , in the same street as the genial Gautier .
18 The inner-city indicators were based largely on territorial assumptions , for example that people might have close relatives living in the same street or the next street , and that people would work in the same places as some of their close neighbours ( L. Milroy 1987 : 141–2 ) .
19 Huss is remembered by a street named after him ( the Hussenstrasse ) and by his effigy on the house where he lived in the same street .
20 We lived in the same street .
21 We thank you , Lord , that you are in control of our households ; that Jesus knew the joys and sadnesses of living in a family and in a community of people and families in the same street and town .
22 Like the case , some years ago , when two men died in the same way from similar stab wounds on the same day in the same street .
23 Authorities said 16-year-old Hattori was shot outside Peairs ' home after he and a friend , Webb Haymaker , knocked on Peairs ' front door while looking for a costume party being held in the same street .
24 There was a company of ATS girls billeted in the same street . ’
25 ‘ I grew up in the same street as Alex Maskey , ’ said Mr Blair who also knew SF 's Paddy McManus many years ago .
26 ‘ I did n't know Alex well but you ca n't not know a lad who lives in the same street . ’
27 In her letter she claims that because CTCs select their students and therefore ‘ turn away children who live in the same street as the school ’ parents have less choice .
28 Amazingly , they all had lived on the same street , and all had lived what one of these illustrious club-handlers estimated as a ‘ good wedge from one another ’ .
29 They have a streamlined routine — lunch at the Market Cafe on the same street as their house , a local barber and tailor — which never takes them far from home and avoids unprogrammed encounters .
30 The Albertusstrasse site of the Kreishaus was determined partly in response to the proximity of two landmarks on the same street : Rudolf Zwirner 's gallery and Walther Koenig 's art bookstore , a de facto municipal library for every aspect of the visual arts .
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