Example sentences of "[prep] the conclusion that " in BNC.

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1 Findings from these few studies provide tentative support for the conclusion that there is no inevitable drift towards conservative social and political attitudes with ageing , nor is ageing necessarily associated with attitudinal rigidity or inflexibility . ’
2 For the conclusion that the powers vested in directors are to be exercised exclusively by the directors is arrived at by a careful analysis of the wording of the article giving to the directors of the company general managerial powers which is found in the constitution of most companies .
3 There is another possible argument , which can be dealt with quickly , for the conclusion that standard effects are no more than events for which other events are required .
4 ‘ I have already indicated my agreement with the views of my noble and learned friend , Lord Diplock , as expressed in O'Reilly v. Mackman [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 237 , and I gratefully adopt all his reasons for the conclusion that : ‘ it would … as a general rule be contrary to public policy , and as such an abuse of the process of the court , to permit a person seeking to establish that a decision of a public authority infringed rights to which he was entitled to protection under public law to proceed by way of an ordinary action and by this means to evade the provisions of Order 53 for the protection of such authorities . ’
5 Vickery has written : ‘ Most of the conclusions that can be drawn from studies of people and information are either very general or specific to particular social groups , or even particular organisations . ’
6 Our discussions ranged through the whole spectrum of life , from the sublime to the trivial , and while I do not now remember many of the conclusions that we reached then , the quality of that communication is still with me .
7 This was one of the conclusions that emerged from a recent conference on Media and Theological Education which was sponsored by the Jerusalem Trust and held at Edinburgh University , Scotland .
8 Although the survey was carried out in 1987 , and events in education have moved on with amazing rapidity since then , many of the conclusions that can be drawn from the interviews seem to have retained their relevance , particularly in the context of the issue I have been exploring in this chapter .
9 One of the conclusions that can be drawn from the responses is that despite the increased provision of online information services by a range of organisations including Aberdeen City library , the Scottish Council and others , the level of awareness and potential of such information sources is still low .
10 But if this motion is successful and a working party is established , one of the conclusions that we might reach is that General Secretaries should keep their sticky fingers off shops steward 's commissions .
11 The insight that references to the outer world encroach upon , or are necessarily " always already " in the figure of metaphor — that metaphor works metonymically — is offered in support of the conclusion that the figural dimension subverts rather than co-operates with Marcel 's valorisation of the inner world .
12 The spectacle of modern investment markets has sometimes moved me towards the conclusion that to make the purchase of an investment permanent and indissoluble , like a marriage … might … force the investor to direct his mind to the long-term prospects , and to those only .
13 In fact , much points towards the conclusion that , despite its centrality to Hitler 's own thinking , anti-Semitism was for the most part of no more than secondary importance as a factor shaping popular opinion in the Third Reich .
14 We have all heard the phrase ‘ paralysis by analysis ’ , and it is depressingly easy to analyse to greater and greater degrees of minutiae , becoming ever more dissatisfied with the conclusions that you are forming , until eventually you decide that there is not sufficient data to take any action at all .
15 And of such professors , how many would rest content with the conclusion that Pound reached in 1918 : ‘ A critic must spend some of his time asking questions — which perhaps no one can answer .
16 Perhaps we are left with the conclusion that the main ingredient in the campaign which resulted in the Foxton Inclined Plane was the enthusiastic advocacy of Gordon Thomas himself .
17 Having ruled out the alternatives we are left with the conclusion that the context-specificity seen in fig. 4.5(a) depends in some way on the context functioning as a retrieval cue .
18 Although the mechanisms behind this geographical variance are unclear , what is not in dispute is that spatial polarization in voting behaviour has increased steadily , especially during the three general elections of 1979 , 1983 and 1987 , making it difficult to disagree with the conclusion that the ‘ nationalization ’ of British politics has now been replaced by an emerging local differentiation .
19 Thirty years of development theory and experience are reviewed , with the conclusion that people have been neglected as the objective of development .
20 The plea for rigour in selecting counsellors accords oddly with the conclusion that no benefit has been shown from the services that they provide .
21 Most research has focused on the effects of aerobic exercise such as running and swimming , with the conclusion that low intensity aerobic exercise during low risk pregnancy is safe .
22 For it would be absurd to open your answer by considering some summary offence of which the defendant is guilty , and then to wind up with the conclusion that he has also committed , say , murder !
23 There is no dispute about this side of the interpretation , nor with the conclusion that the offshore deposits are mainly developed to the north and the fluviatile ( continental ) deposits to the south .
24 Various experiments , not all shown here , agree with the conclusion that the reference measurement is very reliable when measured in isolation .
25 The early impression that the virus was of prime aetiological significance in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is not supported by the present prevalence ; the absence of a better outlook in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis patients ( with cytomegalovirus ) treated with foscarnet compared with untreated patients in consistent with the conclusion that it is unlikely to be important .
26 Sir , i having listened to the discussion nearly two two days , two and a half days , it seems to me that I come very firmly with the conclusion that the A f A fifty nine , the A nineteen north and B one three six corridors are simply not practical .
27 On three separate occasions before the war he had taken part in manoeuvres dedicated to the capture of Verdun , and each had ended with the conclusion that the attack would have to be made simultaneously on both banks to obviate the danger of flanking fire .
28 Although it may be distressing to the mother to find that she has now to take the child back , nevertheless there is no escape in my judgment from the conclusion that the child 's return should be ordered in this case .
29 In Wilson 's view ( 1986 , p. 64 ) what is proposed does not form the basis ‘ for a generally acceptable … durable system ’ and ‘ there seems no escape from the conclusion that another attempt will have to be made to review these issues and make fresh recommendations ’ .
30 One question which arises from the conclusion that bridging inferences are falsely identified as having been present in a passage concerns when such inferences are drawn .
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