Example sentences of "[prep] the [num] war " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister 's comments came in a letter to the Thurrock Labour MP , Andrew MacKinlay , who has campaigned for pardons for 307 British soldiers executed during the 1914-1918 war .
2 In June opposition parties had boycotted parliament in protest against the government 's decision not to appoint a special tribunal to try Azam for war crimes allegedly committed during the 1971 war of independence [ see pp. 38967 ; 39007 ] .
3 Even though the boys and girls are figments of Robbins ' imagination , their brief encounter is based in reality even to the introduction of popular dance steps and stylistic elements current during the 1939–45 war .
4 As mentioned in Chapter 10 under ‘ Parallax ’ , the techniques perfected during the 1939–45 War for taking synchronous photographs are now performed automatically by satellites .
5 On Monday , the Paris Appeal Court ruled that M Touvier , intelligence chief of the pro-Nazi Lyons Milice during the 1939–45 War , and now aged 77 , should not face charges of crimes against humanity in connection with the murder of Jews and resistance workers .
6 Earlier , the Maltese government 's 50th anniversary George Cross medal was presented by the President , Dr Censu Tabone , to 148 men and two women who served in Malta during the 1939–45 War .
7 It was a sore point with some villagers who never wished it there and were glad to see its removal during the 1939–45 war for scrap along with the church railings .
8 He served as an officer in the Royal Navy during the 1939–45 War , before qualifying as an electrical engineer for the North Eastern Electricity Board in Newcastle .
9 Veterans who served on convoys to Russia during the 1939–45 war received their awards last week .
10 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
11 It was finally accepted during the 1973 war between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations .
12 The charge , of revealing information likely to harm state security , related to his memoirs , published in Algiers , in which he had criticized decisions taken by President Sadat during the 1973 war .
13 Stories of life before and during the 1939–1945 War paint a vivid picture of a market and railway town which will interest visitors and residents alike , although including more dates to put the stories into their context would have increased their value , particularly to new residents seeking to learn more about the area .
14 Although it is not known for certain whether Yazid was present at Karbala , he is cast by the Shiites as the author of the incident , and the name is to this day a favourite Shiite epithet for a Sunni adversary — it was used in this sense during the 1980s war by the Tehran leadership when referring to that in Baghdad .
15 She gave me a little frank talk about life in the trenches during the 1914 War and then suddenly asked : ‘ What about that murder ?
16 who won this award during the 1914 war .
17 Japan was in effective control of the country during the 1894–5 War , but her efforts to intervene in Korea 's domestic affairs were clumsy in the extreme .
18 The UN had long maintained that the Convention applied to all the territories occupied by Israel during the 1967 war , including Jerusalem .
19 Rabin had been army Chief of Staff during the 1967 war , and Prime Minister from 1973 until 1977 , when in April he resigned as the Labour Party 's election candidate for the premiership and the Labour Party lost the ensuing general election [ see pp. 28533-38 ] .
20 A good example of social research which is based wholly on historical sources is the work of Ashworth on the sociology of trench warfare on the Western front during the 1914–18 war .
21 It was during the 1914–18 war that the King 's and Queen 's saloons were modified .
22 In 1915 he had written his book Imperialism and World Economy , and the first few chapters of The Economics is taken up with a summary restatement of that work , particularly in the light of German experience during the 1914–18 war .
23 For all the fears of a Polish revolt , it is worth emphasising just how moderate and tractable the Poles of Prussia were for most of the nineteenth century : they did not rise up in 1815 , nor in 1848 , nor in 1863 , nor during the Franco-Prussian Wars , nor even during the 1914–18 war .
24 During the 1914–18 war , Laura Knight recorded the work of female volunteers ; after the 1939–45 war , she made drawings of the Nuremberg trials which are masterpieces of psychological portraiture .
25 The railway line between the Crystal Palace ( Low Level ) and Beckenham , which had been closed during the 1914–18 war , was electrified and reopened in 1929 .
26 During the 1914–18 war , Laura Knight recorded the work of female volunteers ; after the 1939–45 war , she made drawings of the Nuremberg trials which are masterpieces of psychological portraiture .
27 Despite a brief interlude during the 1914–18 war , Paneth continued to use the autochrome process right up until 1938 , although autochromes were no longer produced after 1935 .
28 Despite a brief interlude during the 1914–18 war , Paneth continued to use the autochrome process right up until 1938 , although autochromes were no longer produced after 1935 .
29 Battalions , Northumberland Fusiliers and the actions in which it took part during the 1914–18 War .
30 For the 20 years between the 1967 war and the start of the intifada there was coexistence of sorts between Arabs and Jews , even if , in the words of Moshe Dayan , it was the uneasy coexistence of a rider and his horse .
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