Example sentences of "[prep] setting [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after setting up home he ran into a series of mishaps .
2 The agreement has quashed speculation that the line could quit the port after setting up container services here 24 years ago .
3 After setting up NARCOG 's listening post in Larnaca , training the Cypriot police to use their UN-funded radio equipment , fitting out police boats ' and King Edmondo with satellite tracking gear and installing short-wave transmitters in Beirut and Larnaca for DEA intelligence traffic , Coleman had acquired something of a reputation in the area of advanced electronics .
4 Their protest follows that of local Penan tribal people , some 20 of whom were arrested after setting up barricades in the forests nearby .
5 Besides the intermediate stage of setting up protectorates over local political units , there was considerable open interference in the affairs of some formally independent countries .
6 I would be especially interested to hear from anyone who has experience of setting up provision for such people .
7 The most important aspects of setting up instruments are : ( i ) there should be no air bubbles in the columns of paraffin oil ; ( ii ) the instruments should be absolutely straight , bisecting the microscope field horizontally , and lying exactly parallel to each other .
8 As we saw earlier , this technique of setting up link records is used to represent networks .
9 Examples are given of setting up user hierarchies in terms of accessing modules .
10 This is familiar language , and Eleanor Gordon and others have argued that much more investigation of the circumstances of setting up women 's unions is needed before it can be accepted at face value , Material obstacles made union membership difficult for women : their low pay made it hard to pay dues , while their domestic duties as daughters and sisters , not to mention the question of staying out late , made it hard to attend meetings .
11 We have avoided the danger of setting up defence structures which would compete with NATO .
12 Papinian 's doubts , therefore , are not about the validity of setting up trusts in indirect words , but about the use to which the testator is putting these words .
13 To help out couples with the expense of setting up home Gilmore 's have a special discount scheme .
14 The assumption is that if such research is successful , then pedagogy is a matter of conforming to the revealed sequence of natural acquisition and of setting up conditions in the classroom which replicate those of its emergence .
15 Such waves are said to be capable of setting up oscillations which may damage a jointed structure , as the increases and decreases of pressure tend to pull jointed blocks away .
16 Task analysis , in common with every other perceptual process , is a matter of setting up mechanisms for categorisation and filtering .
17 He had discussed the prospect of setting up City Lights London with Ferlinghetti , but the San Francisco bookshop was tightly stretched as it was , and had no dollars to spare .
18 They could not grasp the value of setting up refuges for Asian women and to these men consulting with the community always meant consulting with other men .
19 Instead of setting up situations either in the laboratory or in the field , the researcher studies what is already going on .
20 Knowing that missionaries were liable to be stranded in such places for long periods , and that they were not without their temptations , he had the idea of setting up libraries there too as a wholesome diversion .
21 The difficulties this attitude could cause the colonists were already becoming clear before William had completed the work of setting up governments in North America that would co-operate with him .
22 The present trend of setting up courses only in response to staff shortages will be superseded in the future by any forthcoming legal requirement , and so the administration of courses and the rationale behind them will have to change accordingly .
23 Out on a train in Cambodia they had even talked lightly of setting up Oz again in London , even as Neville filed stories back to Richard Walsh and Oz in Sydney .
24 Our evidence was said to be flawed because : WE could be accused of setting up Marshall for an offence she would not have otherwise committed .
25 Soviet spokesmen accused ‘ NATO circles ’ of distorting the idea of non-alignment through relegating ‘ to the number of the ‘ non-aligned ’ states those few newly free countries whose leaders are presently … regarded as ‘ friends of the West ’ and share the concept of the ‘ strategy of a united front ’ , that is are in favour of setting up alliances with imperialist powers , first of all the United States ’ .
26 The initiative of setting up NICRA was very much that of Johnston , Coughlan and the Dublin Wolfe Tone Society .
27 It is n't hard to see here , once again , Pound 's baffled exasperation that , instead of setting up shop as maître d'école , ‘ the very learned British Museum assistant ’ should resolutely duck back into doing such a worthy and humane but undoubtedly over-modest activity as editing such of the letters of his old friend Hewlett as could not conceivably give offence .
28 The first test consisted of setting up portfolios of equally-weighted stocks in the seven main macroeconomic sectors in the American economy .
29 Instead of setting up branches of his company internationally , he authorised ‘ Gallup Institutes ’ to be created in other countries .
30 From the first example you should have found This method of setting out sets was thought out by a mathematician named Venn , who gave his name to the " Venn diagram " .
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