Example sentences of "[prep] august the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of August the first arbitration case was decided upon .
2 Over one hundred new L reg already ordered for August the first , and we 're taking more orders everyday .
3 In August the first prosecution was initiated .
4 Number five , which coin ceased to be legal tender in August the first , nineteen sixty nine ?
5 Which coin ceased to be legal tender in August the first , nineteen sixty nine ?
6 Thunderbirds , the Next Generation is at the Oxford Playhouse until Saturday and back in the region in Swindon at the Wyvern Theatre from July the twenty eighth until August the first .
7 Estate agents say they are concerned by the Government 's decision to reintroduce stamp duty on new houses from August the nineteenth saying it will harm an already fragile market
8 At a meeting today , club chairmen agreed that Central could go ahead with LIVE matches from August the sixteenth .
9 On August the 12th 1991 it was feared that Brian Waites might not live , let alone play golf ever again .
10 No we buried him did n't we on August the eleventh .
11 on August the fourth nineteen fourteen .
12 No sisters until mother got married again , and me sister as I call her now , she 's me of course my half sister , Jessie , she was born I 'd be about seventeen cos she did n't get married till after the First World War , remarried me step-father was in the forces and he fought , he actually fought in the Boer War so he was a a soldier in the Boer War and in what we call the Great War , nineteen fourteen to nineteen eighteen , but er I had a misfortune to lose the brother next to me , Frank , which he had what was common in those days tubercular trouble , tubercular tuberculosis affected the bowels , see he died in , on August the fourth nineteen eighteen in the old infirmary that now classed as the Manor Hospital , but that was the old infirmary cos we there was no widow 's pension in those days , our mother was a bridle stitcher and she used to do have an old fashioned clamp , have you ever seen the clamps that are leather , th tha they held them , the leather , she used to stitch bridles at home , we used to help her with waxing the threads have a leather apron and a bit of wax and pull the wax over the thread , and then roll it round till it was strong enough to thread it , we used to make the threads for her to er stitch the bridles .
13 It takes place at the Brighton Community Association on August the fourteenth to August the twenty fifth .
14 The promoter , Murray Beetson , says he does n't condone the use of drugs and he prefers to avoid the term Rave for the event , which gets underway on August the 20th .
15 Peter was crushed in the rockfall at the colliery on August the eighteenth .
16 Perth happened , it has it 's pilot , on , on August the twelfth which Iris supervised
17 Firstly I do n't think there 's a substantial disagreement between Yeltsin and the so called hard liners , except over the question of timing so as to win the market and someone 's introduced them to the Soviet Union , and secondly I do n't think you can treat Boris Yeltsin as some kind of democrat at all , on August the twelfth he threatened to rule Russia by decree just at the definitely senators and the Russian nationalism and he built some sort of support and I , I think it 's very wrong to characterise the events there with the revolution , more it 's been , it 's been much more of a power struggle between different sections of the you know , the elite there along the lines of the events in Romania .
18 Hereford 's last win was on August the 21st , so this was long overdue .
19 In the offices at Gedling pit , and I started work on August the third .
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