Example sentences of "[prep] 20 years [unc] " in BNC.

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1 After 20 years ' service the almost total entitlement to remain on full pay , albeit suspended from duty , until the age of 65 .
2 After 20 years ' waiting Esau and Jacob are born .
3 You are sacked after 20 years ' service with a week 's notice .
4 Rita is a machine knitter of 20 years ' standing who has taught many techniques of the craft .
5 The proviso whereby it was possible for some individuals to enjoy an enhanced accrual scale to qualify for full pension benefits after 10 years of service was altered in the 1987 Budget — with a new period of 20 years ' service being required .
6 The new flexi-age retirement provision is unlikely to help you if you move to a new job , since it only applies to employees of 20 years ' standing .
7 When this risk is compared to other cancer risks , it is found that the lifelong risk from passive smoking is more than 100 times higher than the estimated effect of 20 years ' exposure to chrysotile asbestos normally found in asbestos-containing buildings [ 5 ] .
8 We regard murders committed in this country by terrorists as deserving a minimum of 20 years ' imprisonment for those people .
9 The charges of gross embezzlement and abuse of power carried a maximum sentence of 20 years ' imprisonment , but Zhivkov , aged 79 , looked unlikely to suffer this fate since Bulgarian law did not permit anyone over 80 to be sent to prison .
10 PC Anderson , a 40-year-old officer with 20 years ' experience , warned her not to report the incident , saying he knew where to find her and could arrest her for soliciting , the court was told .
11 Yet not too long afterwards , it was suggested that for a salesman with 20 years ' continuous employment , three years was an appropriate improvement period ; many would think that to be erring on the high side .
12 At the moment it is theoretically possible for a qualified nurse with 20 years ' break in service to be put in charge of an acute ward , and to take responsibility for the management and allocation of staff , even though she may not have any recent or relevant experience .
13 With the methodical professionalism of a former detective sergeant with 20 years ' experience in London 's Metropolitan police , Jones had made a full note of a conversation in which Connelly asked , ‘ Have you considered a bag switch at Frankfurt ? ’
14 Standfirst : With 20 years ' experience covering major oil shows for The Scotsman , FRANK FRAZER reflects on highlights of last month 's Offshore Europe event in Aberdeen .
15 On Dec. 1 former Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa had his sentence reduced from 20 years ' to 10 years ' hard labour .
16 I can not envisage what the circumstances will be in 20 years ' time .
17 But then the hubbub starts again , and other voices ask me what I 'll do in 20 years ' time .
18 The case being considered during the next few weeks will be the first alleged breach of an environment directive by this Government in 20 years ' membership of the European Community — and I am proud of that .
19 Not when — if , perchance , Labour Members were in that position in 20 years ' time , would they be prepared to have the whole system of assessing and adjudicating upon genuine claims destroyed by the campaigns that are being organised in some parts of this country ?
20 A ‘ baby boom ’ now could provide a large number of teachers in 20 years ' time ; but if in 15 years ' time , the birth rate were to be low , there would be insufficient children for these teachers to teach ( unless pupil/teacher ratios were to be changed ) .
21 Among the possible prisoners of conscience are 37 people sentenced to up to 20 years ' imprisonment for their involvement in a peaceful flag-raising ceremony in the town of Jayapura on 14 December 1988 .
22 Assistant teacher Habib Ben Malek was sentenced in the same trial in 1977 to 20 years ' imprisonment .
23 Justice Day sentenced them both to 20 years ' penal servitude .
24 On July 27 Robert Louis White , 46 , grand dragon of the Maryland Knights of the Ku Klux Klan , pleaded guilty to charges of illegal possession of firearms , he faced up to 20 years ' imprisonment .
25 Some 157 demonstrators were subsequently convicted of a range of offences and were sentenced to up to 20 years ' imprisonment .
26 Richard W. Miller , 53 , a former agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) , was sentenced to 20 years ' imprisonment on Feb. 4 for having supplied classified documents to a female Soviet agent in exchange for sexual favours and promises of money and gold .
27 Proksch was sentenced to 20 years ' imprisonment for the murders and for attempted fraud , the ship having been loaded with scrap metal but insured as carrying uranium-processing equipment valued at US$15,000,000 .
28 José Abrantes Fernández , Interior Minister until June 1989 , who was sentenced in July 1989 to 20 years ' imprisonment for negligence and misuse of government funds in connection with drug trafficking [ see pp. 36731 ; 37069 ] died of a heart attack on Jan. 21 , 1991 .
29 Salvador Jorge Blanco , 62 , President in 1982-1986 , was sentenced to 20 years ' imprisonment and fined US$5,760,000 on Aug. 8 for the misappropriation of public funds through the over-invoicing of arms purchases bought from companies headed by his associates .
30 On Sept. 9 former Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa had his sentence reduced from life to 20 years ' hard labour .
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