Example sentences of "[prep] themselves [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They knew what they were doing , ’ he said , ‘ cleaning up after themselves like that .
2 They find it very difficult to cook for themselves , shop for themselves and generally look after themselves in all the ways that we would accept as being quite normal .
3 He became particularly interested in how they managed to combine this well-organized and criminal activity with an image of themselves as law-abiding citizens .
4 Ironically , by absorbing huge new areas of strong Polish identity in the years 1793–1807 , the Prussians probably helped extend the idea of a Polish identity to Poles who up to then had simply thought of themselves as Polish-speaking Prussians .
5 At this stage the six groups started to think of themselves as genuine groups for the project and began to regard each other as equal participants .
6 The fact that in 1992 only 37 per cent of voters think of themselves as Labour supporters but that on Thursday only 35 per cent actually voted Labour indicates that the party was scarcely able to poll its ‘ core ’ strength .
7 But these are women who have not very much experience of a particular current within British feminism which sees men very much as the enemy , though they went through a tremendous process of political change during the strike and with the development of their organisation , many marriages , for example , split up and the women gained a whole new identity of themselves as individual women .
8 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
9 The villagers spoke French ; indeed , they thought of themselves as French citizens and consequently welcomed the helmeted Dragoons with cups of wine and offers of food .
10 The demand for good songs occurs when people who have grown up with pop are forced to accommodate their love of pop within their new sense of themselves as responsible adults .
11 doctrine of original sin under the guise of a genetically determined bio-grammar of cultural values , by colleagues who would clearly like to think of themselves as hard-boiled scientific rationalists , both amusing and disconcerting ; but it points up the difficulties of the problem !
12 A new word was recently coined to describe bodies such as English heritage : quangaroos — hopping about in a random fashion , getting in everyone 's way and generally making a nuisance of themselves at good rates of public pay .
13 A lot of the people I work with initially have no sense of value of themselves at all , and therefore they sometimes treat other people like shit .
14 But gradually , over the years , they had defected , as weak as the teenagers they so relentlessly criticized : they 'd let the old ways lapse in order to slump like dummies in front of appalling chat shows and glimpses of the Sugar Plum Fairy and obsequious shots of the Royal Family and its corgis and babies , to goggle at old movies and new dance routines and to sit back sucking sweeties while sneering at pop stars and newscasters making fools of themselves at televised parties .
15 The New Party made some members when they started , but when they turned themselves into the Fascist Party er they they rid of themselves of many of these er New Party peop , was in the New Party you know .
16 Last night heartbroken Sandy , who lived with Brian at Didsbury , Manchester , said : ‘ Everyone who knew him has lost a part of themselves through this tragedy .
17 They may or may not choose to express their awareness of themselves to another person .
18 family made of themselves in public .
19 The Japanese are fascinated by foreigners making a spectacle of themselves in this way — the natural heirs to the dying tradition of performing street monkeys .
20 While many of the 200 young mothers , grandmothers , shoppers and office workers who drifted into the Women 's Education Day might never have thought of themselves in this light , they probably identified immediately with the cartoon on the fact sheet : ‘ I am not just a housewife , I am an accountant , vet , nurse , negotiator , teacher , cook , red coat , driver … ‘ .
21 Presumably , it was felt that businessmen could take care of themselves in this area , and the fact that such clauses are not in common use in business contracts seems to bear this out .
22 It was the same sort of hysteria after the Hungerford massacre which persuaded a weak and inexperienced Home Secretary to give the police unfettered discretion to bully , terrorise and generally make a nuisance of themselves among law-abiding sportsmen .
23 Control of the party passed to a new generation — the third Earl of Sunderland ( the most experienced , but somewhat erratic ) , James Stanhope , Charles Viscount Townshend , and Sir Robert Walpole — who soon fell to competing amongst themselves for political dominance .
24 They are also more reliable , and do n't fight amongst themselves like other Orcs and Goblins .
25 Stuck together for a lifetime in that bed , drinking cups of coffee , looking at people who were not like themselves in that cautious keep-off way .
26 I do not know which company in their burgeoning hi-fi industry is responsible but they can be quite pleased with themselves on this evidence .
27 These strings may have ends ( the so-called open strings ) or they may be joined up with themselves in closed loops ( closed strings ) ( Fig. 10.1 and Fig. 10.2 ) .
28 Remember the strong vested interest of politicians in alleging other causes of inflation , because if they can persuade the public that other causes than their own behaviour are really at work , then they will be able to transfer the responsibility from themselves to other people .
29 But many caddies offer a great deal more and look upon themselves as vital components in the professional golfer 's armoury .
30 It will have been noted that , not content with imposing upon themselves the task of ruling through the tendering of advice , which might have been thought difficult enough , the British took upon themselves in Northern Nigeria the even more difficult task of ruling without actually appearing to rule at all — an undertaking whose very absurdity only emphasizes its interest .
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