Example sentences of "[prep] least [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Even though chronic hepatitis C appears to be an indolent disease in most patients , the observation that at least a fifth develop cirrhosis and as many as a quarter progress to liver failure indicates that chronic hepatitis C is not a benign disease .
2 This would suggest that around 30 per cent of the " living-out " labouring classes were to some extent skilled , but if living-in servants of all classes are included the proportion would shrink to a quarter and if unskilled " manufacturers " are removed , we can conclude that at least a fifth of the men of the labouring classes of the eighteenth century were more or less skilled , that is had something other than " common " labour power to offer on the labour market .
3 All regions have now drawn up at least a first round of projects for inclusion on the shopping lists .
4 Nevertheless , several of the experimental novelists mentioned above actually began their careers in the 1930s ; Samuel Beckett , Lawrence Durrell , Malcolm Lowry , Flann O'Brien and Jean Rhys each having published at least a first novel by the time Finnegans Wake appeared in 1939 .
5 Yet it also represented at least a first step towards an institutional framework for dialogue between State and commoners .
6 Jeff was obviously on at least a second drink .
7 The T 2 observations may be affected simply by the fact that this is at least a second experience of being observed , i.e. there may be a learning effect due to T 1 .
8 It appears that about two-thirds of well documented cases of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis in the United Kingdom will prove infected , and that at least a sixth of patients with cryptosporidiosis will have AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis if subjected to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
9 Thus just one granule absorbs at least a 500th of a drop .
10 He ‘ established methods of work , and initiated courses of improvement ’ under which by 1890 the average general death rate of Liverpool was declared by Sir John Simon [ q.v. ] to have been reduced by ‘ probably at least a fourth part ’ of the rate which prevailed when he became medical officer of health .
11 At least a third of the route takes the steep open wall to the left of the corner and the climb as a whole demands a wide range of climbing technique .
12 The 1989 total is likely to be at least a third higher .
13 Even if lead levels in the atmosphere do not bother you , I am sure you will find the fact that unleaded petrol is 15p cheaper , and that diesel fuel boosts mpg by at least a third , most interesting .
14 At least a third of it could have been cheerfuly excised : the highlights from Tommy , for instance , merely served to show how few there were ; and there was a serious lapse of taste in resurrecting their ‘ Laughing Gnome ’ , ‘ Boris the Spider ’ ( presumably performed to give nice John Entwistle his turn in the spotlight ) .
15 Nicholas Young laid over £10m-worth of bets in five years — at least a third of it with other people 's money .
16 At least a third of state-owned enterprises , still the backbone of the economy , are losing money .
17 Another key advantage is insulation , say Potton , who claim that their product can yield heat savings of at least a third over a comparable brick home .
18 These provide weedkillers , insecticides and fungicides to control weeds , pests and diseases which otherwise would damage crops and reduce their size by at least a third .
19 A history of attempted suicide is a particular risk factor ( Roy 1982 ; Fernando and Storm 1984 ) , although , as noted above , this applies to at least a third of hospital patients .
20 But the quotas imposed by the United States and Britain — a thousand to each country — fell a long way short of Eichmann 's target of clearing another 45,000 Jews from Vienna , at least a third of them children , within six months .
21 A morning in which at least a third of the colour spectrum becomes a personal reproach , many flower-beds a matter for regret , every marigold a tiny disappointment and even nasturtiums cast aspersions .
22 You should save at least a third on the cost of an equivalent conventionally built house .
23 The Five Civilised Nations Museum in Muskogee , Oklahoma , that normally shows and sells Indian art , closed down an exhibition in 1991 when it found that at least a third of its ‘ Indian ’ artists had no tribal documentation .
24 Since the late 1960s most women have had sex before marriage — increasing from at least a third of women who were married in the late 1950s to three-quarters of women married in the early 1970s ( Dunnell 1979 ) .
25 ‘ You 've a right to at least a third , maybe more .
26 Clara calculated that at least a third of the objects laid on the table , by regulation , were not used during the course of any single meal , and yet their function was certainly not one of gracious adornment .
27 If all long term care was to be given within the NHS the number of beds would have to be expanded by at least a third and probably nearly doubled if , as is often the case , those in residential homes require nursing care .
28 This fact , coupled to our urgent need to export at least a third of our gross national product , simply to maintain ourselves , points to an obvious answer to our problems , for service industries and export together , suggests leisure and tourism .
29 Note that the first statement of the theme is always at least a third as long as the whole , while contrasting sentences are never very prolonged , and are sometimes quite brief .
30 Yes , you can reduce the annual cost of your hot water by at least a third , if you switch to Economy 7 .
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