Example sentences of "[prep] either [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The balls are normally spheroid and enclosed in a cage consisting of either a cross-shaped piece of sheet metal , often silver , or two metal bands .
2 The court 's decision cleared the way for the university authorities to approve in principal the raising of up to £5 million through the disposal of either a 16th-century bronze , Cain and Abel by de Vries , or a 17th-century landscape , The Banks of a River by van Ruisdael .
3 This requires the completion of a substantial piece of work which can be of either a practical or research nature , prepared within a strict timetable and documented and presented to an appropriate professional standard .
4 With stable macro policies of either a monetary or a fiscal kind , rational expectations on behalf of economic agents mean that such agents fully appreciate the signals that trigger government policy and the prescriptions that follow , internalizing this into their behaviour .
5 In fact , there is no reason why ( e.g. ) homosexuals should not afford accountability and care to their partners , in the course of either a long relationship or a very short one .
6 This was available in the forms of either a treacly liquid or a dry powder .
7 The main constraint operating on the community relations police in West Belfast is in establishing contact with youth groups and schools in the area because of either a general resistance to the police or fear of intimidation from Republican paramilitary organizations as a result of involvement in a community relations programme .
8 C can not challenge the conclusion of the agreement between A and B , unless that agreement constitutes a violation of either a prior agreement between A and itself , or of a multilateral agreement to which both are parties .
9 Benches with reversible tops give the option of either a smooth surface or recessed gravel trays for summer and are particularly useful .
10 With a choice of either a direct line up the centre of the face or a buttress to the right that led to the unclimbed south ridge of the mountain , the team opted for the buttress approach , avoiding serious stonefall on the direct line .
11 Thus in the absence of either a deliberate misleading by Moorgate Mercantile or negligence on their part , no estoppel could be raised against them .
12 In very urgent cases the result of either a full land charges search or bankruptcy search can , for a fee of £2 a name be telephoned .
13 ‘ I speak on behalf of the Labour Party when I say that it is not , and never has been , the duty or responsibility of either a local or education authority to promote homosexuality ...
14 Held , allowing the application , that the provision in article 5(1) of the 1968 Convention conferring special jurisdiction in respect of ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ required the existence of either a contractual relationship between the parties giving rise to actual contractual obligations , or a consensual relationship closely akin to a contract and with comparable obligations ; and that , since the transactions between the plaintiffs and defendants had been void ab initio , no contracts existed within the meaning of article 5(1) ; that the jurisdiction under article 5(3) was restricted to claims based on tort , delict or quasi-delict and did not extend to claims for restitution ; that article 6(1) was not applicable since under the terms of the order of Steyn J. the restitution claims would not be heard and determined together and , in any event , any irreconcilable judgments would be subject to a final decision of the House of Lords , binding in both England and Scotland ; and that , accordingly , there were no grounds for invoking the special jurisdiction to allow the defendants to be sued in England ( post , pp. 836F , 837B–D , 838E , 840B–D , 842H — 843B , G , G–H ) .
15 A further reason was that the Bank might wish to influence the net inflow of funds to the UK by means of either a different application in respect of the type of deposits , or a different rate of call .
16 Scientists envisage the development of either a start-stop system , an alternative to field drying or an additional pressing system to remove moisture could overcome that .
17 There was an abandoned city on the coast to the south of the G'bai , and the G'bai itself was almost certainly the result of either a nuclear war or an accident of such proportions that it had produced large-scale volcanic activity .
18 Whilst not retracting anything that has been said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person , it has to be said that interpreting certain historical events as the actions of God is the primary way in which a number of religions understand the divine nature .
19 These arguments can then be tested by studies in the field of either an observational or an experimental nature .
20 put yourself in the position of either the long-wave or world-system approach to assess how they would view the regulationist approach , its account of structural changes in the UK economy and its changing international position .
21 Other major weaknesses were said to be the emphasis on skilled employment , of either the apprenticed or respectable kind , and the individualist approach to the problem .
22 The use of tranquillizers of either the major ( e.g. phenothiazines ) or minor groups ( e.g. benzodiazepines ) does not usually appear to be helpful .
23 ‘ The firm name used by a multi-national partnership shall consist only of the name or names of one or more lawyers , being present or former principals of either the multi-national partnership or a predecessor legal practice , together with , if desired , other conventional references to the firm and to such persons ; or a name approved in writing by the Council as the name of the multi-national partnership or of a predecessor legal practice . ’
24 There has been scanty analysis of either the individual members of the household 's different structural relationship to housing , or of households that do not comply with the nuclear family model .
25 Different approaches to the organization of knowledge may emphasize the relative importance of either the first or second objective , but it is difficult to neglect one without impairing the effectiveness of the other .
26 Lack of rigorous endoscopic criteria defining variceal haemorrhage such as those described by Buset et al , lack of standardisation for the time of entry , non-uniform management of the variceal haemorrhage during the whole study period , analysis of either the first or the recurrent episodes of haemorrhage and differences in patient sampling or variables recorded may all have a part in explaining the contradictions among some of the studies published on this matter .
27 The distinction between these two ways of conceiving permission accounts for the use of either the bare or the to infinitive here .
28 There was , therefore , a special mentality about the small businessman , one quite distinct from that of either the working class or the manager of a large organisation , and one which corresponded with the ideology of a master race .
29 He suggests , instead , that local government reorganization took place precisely because local government is not ‘ a simple instrument of either the central state or dominant interests ’ and so has some room for political manoeuvre ( 1979 , p. 221 ) .
30 The computer 's place in all this was in the control of either the mechanical discs or strips that carried the images of each character or , later on , in the generation and display of the characters themselves on a CRT .
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