Example sentences of "[prep] send [pers pn] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Well , well that 's right , I mean , I know she 's got ta send it in , I mean it 's nothing , but it 's something .
2 Was there no thought of sending him back to his father ? ’
3 However , as a result of this legislation , somebody will no doubt have to go to the expense of drawing up tenders and specifications and of sending them out .
4 They 're the only times really and as with the I B M the I B M people 's the company I B M said if it 's more than a page is it really worth sending it out .
5 Thanks for sending them in and this time everyone 's a winner ( phew !
6 talking to one of these receptionists today and she says erm she 's been trying to get a bit of erm , she 's split up with her husband , trying to get , a bit of extra money together , you know , to be , she 's got her own house like , buying her own house and all this and that she 's fell into a bloody modelling job and saying get yourself a passport and er on about sending her off to either the South of France or Kenya
7 For example , if you order a customized machine , be suspicious if you 're offered next-day delivery ; most manufacturers feel it 's necessary to keep machines running for at least 24 hours — a process known as burning in — to check for any possible faults before sending them out .
8 My reason is that George spent a few minutes with Lennie , comforting and making him a happy man by reminding him of his dreams , before sending him off to find his final dream in heaven .
9 Please could you have this checked by a Doctor and treat him with the appropriate shampoo before sending him back to school .
10 As each reader received a book he put the date opposite his name , followed by the date on which he finished it , before sending it on to the next person on the list .
11 It was time to turn our attention to another aspect of the project : sending our wild cocoa to quarantine , before sending it on to breeders in Brazil , West Africa , Malaysia or elsewhere .
12 In the case of a simple transfer have the engrossment executed by the purchasers before sending it off .
13 He tells me that Spurs have been in touch to say their computer was knackered ( bloody things , who wants em ? ) so there is a delay in sending them out , but we are getting some .
14 There 's no point in sending them off on endless — no doubt excellent — courses if there 's no incentive for them to use up large slices of their spare time in teaching the game .
15 The first edition , produced last March , contained 11 opportunities generating 15 enquiries — ‘ which may not seem a lot but in the context of the Scottish market , and the quality criteria we imposed , is impressive ’ — and with second going out to intermediaries — ‘ apart from not being allowed under the Financial Services Act to sent it out to the business community generally , we want to maintain the quality of submissions received ’ — in the last fortnight , Hally sees no reason for second thoughts .
16 You say look I 'm student , right , I lost the th address of the er whom to send to and I 've got an assessment to send in but I do n't know how the hell I 'm gon na send it on .
17 and they 're gon na send it through like that .
18 So I 'm gon na send it down to shortly .
19 We 're gon na need more than twenty five cos we 're also gon na to send it off to one or two major er er certainly Peter and people like that I think .
20 In the meantime , if you 've any material you think we should look at send it in .
21 What they found was a police operation aimed at sending them back where they came from .
22 In spite of the lack of any right to secure payment , some unscrupulous firms have in the past found it profitable to market their wares by sending them out unsolicited .
23 The skills come through doing it again and again and again , by sending them off , by getting a feeling for it , by practising .
24 He can sit there until there 's half an hour to go , then we can gamble with the score at 0–0 by sending him on , knowing he 's capable of winning the game for us .
25 The Army had taught him that , too , and the SAS acceptance tests had rammed the lesson home by sending him out over the damp Brecon Beacons with a 55-lb Bergen rucksack knowing he had to cover a certain distance in a certain time but not knowing that when he had done it , there would n't be the trucks they had promised but a vague assur-ance of a cup of tea if he kept on marching a few more miles in that direction .
26 The repair and maintenance bit is actually dealt with by by sending it out to Absolute Sound and Video or whoever .
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