Example sentences of "[prep] precisely the time " in BNC.

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1 And Mary was to arrive at precisely the time when the reformers were beginning to add a new dimension to Scottish self-perception .
2 At precisely the time that the Party leadership was extolling the horse as a modern and fuel-saving means of transport , it was also planning to increase the journey-times of the rural population and make them more dependent on motor transport — or perhaps to shorten the time they had left to themselves , to sleep , think and so on .
3 Older people in the study had to enter the labour market at precisely the time of the steepest fall in the economic activity rates of older workers at large .
4 Many people find that they drop their meditation practice or whatever it is at precisely the time when they think they need it most — i.e. when they are feeling most stressed .
5 The first Qumran-style desert community was established by Pachomius around 320 — at precisely the time that the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome was gaining official sanction for itself from Constantine .
6 The man who 'd turned up the sexual voltage after their night out , only to be found embracing his secretary at precisely the time they 'd agreed to meet today …
7 Unfortunately , the survival of tax records from the middle years of the century ( and more especially after 1450 ) is more patchy than from the period immediately before , so it is not always possible to trace the disappearance of villages at precisely the time when a substantial number of the desertions seems to have occurred .
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