Example sentences of "[prep] working time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The most vulnerable areas of working time for me are those of contact with pupils and curriculum development .
2 Sickness absence overall fell sharply last year by almost 0.5 per cent of working time from the 1991 figure of 4.0 per cent .
3 At present some member states do not apply national legislation on working time to independent drivers .
4 What upsets and angers my hon. Friends is that the Department of Energy is praying in aid the proposed European Community directive on working time as a justification for that change .
5 Another thirty Health and Safety proposals are on the way such as that on working time in the news last week and another to restore the protection for young people at work which we 've lost over the last decade , and just as important the union has just n not just reacting to what 's coming out of Brussels , it 's actually helping set the agenda .
6 It 's also given us the new agreement on working time which our own government have tried to work against consistently for the last two years , they now say they 'll challenge it in Europe 's Court of Justice , well what they seem to forget is it 's got ta come back to Parliament for a second reading yet and they 've created such ill feeling in the Parliament and among the Commission , that it 's likely to be strengthened , we 're gon na end up with a strengthened agreement on working time by the autumn of this year .
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