Example sentences of "[prep] throw [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A SEX pest who stalked TV weathergirl Ulrika Jonsson died after throwing himself under an express train , it was revealed last night .
2 I thought if someone brought you to your senses , before it was too late , you 'd have a chance , instead of throwing yourself into any trouble that came along .
3 There 's the percentage game of wage slavery , mortgage and pension plans , and then there 's the less predictable option of throwing yourself to the fates and seeing what happens .
4 And despite what he 'd said , less a token of affection than a means of throwing her off balance .
5 I mean luckily you , you know , you 'd gone on a car , with a car so it 's a matter of throwing everything in the back and just going
6 In went the putt and he asked me to keep the ball because he wanted to take it home and get it mounted instead of throwing it to the crowd .
7 Maybe I feel like throwing something in their direction , physically , verbally , or just under my breath .
8 She felt like throwing it across the room but managed to control herself .
9 I do nt think there s anything to be gained from throwing everyone in the box for one of the crosses .
10 When Geoffrey of Brittany was buried it was said that Philip had been forcibly prevented from throwing himself into the grave to join his friend .
11 At twilight it is most important to be kind to animals , to refrain from throwing anything on the ground , from riding either horse or camel over the desert , for you might injure a rising djinn and they are vengeful spirits .
12 But he did not wait for a reply before throwing himself to one side as a sabre whistled down and buried itself deep in the brickwork of the window sill where he had been sitting .
13 So much so that he spent fully eight years in a succession of colleges before throwing himself on the tender mercies of the world .
14 She had recently killed some of Buddie 's hens and turkeys by gripping their necks between her teeth and shaking them violently from side to side before throwing them into the air .
15 ELVIS GORDON , the unpredictable heavyweight , saved the best throw of the British Open at Crystal Palace for the final when he lifted 125kg Frenchman Jerome Dreyfus five feet into the air before throwing him on the mat .
16 And at his back are China 's octogenarian power-brokers , biding their time before throwing him to the wolves .
17 For the army of Alba , it seemed , was not at all unprepared for the sudden emergence of the enemy from the wood and only waited politely , as before , for the troublesome stream to be crossed , together with a number of novel earthworks of Bishop Hrolf 's devising , before throwing itself in neat but different formation against Siward 's lines .
18 We was gon na throw them at you .
19 Television and newspapers no longer praise model entrepreneurs but heroic labourers such as Zhang Fuxin , praised for throwing himself into a pit of polluted mud to retrieve a piece of equipment .
20 The figures for this year show that £20 million-worth of coal will be imported to Britain by the end of December — the equivalent of closing 20 average-sized pits and getting rid of between 20,000 and 25,000 miners by throwing them on the scrap heap .
21 Fred Brimacombe , lobster seller , Plymouth , on the city council 's proposal to stop fishermen killing lobsters by throwing them into boiling water .
22 In volume IV there is a description of the disembarkation of cattle at Port Askaig by throwing them into the sea to swim ashore .
23 In volume IV there is a description of the disembarkation of cattle at Port Askaig by throwing them into the sea to swim ashore .
24 When he heard of the multiple deaths , he committed suicide by throwing himself under a lorry .
25 The charges allege that on various occasions over the 14 months to August last year at the home , she assaulted one woman by throwing her from her bed on to a chair then a commode , putting her in a bath against her will and pulling her along a corridor , and of assaulting the second woman in a similar manner by throwing her from her bed on to a wheelchair and then a commode , dragging her across a room and tying her to a chair .
26 The charges allege that on various occasions over the 14 months to August last year at the home , she assaulted one woman by throwing her from her bed on to a chair then a commode , putting her in a bath against her will and pulling her along a corridor , and of assaulting the second woman in a similar manner by throwing her from her bed on to a wheelchair and then a commode , dragging her across a room and tying her to a chair .
27 A brave staff member believed he was risking his life by throwing it into the street .
28 The crime for which Jean Campbell was charged was one of wilful murder of her own three-year old child by throwing it over the Old Bridge in Glasgow into the River Clyde where it drowned .
29 When Diana allegedly attempted suicide by throwing herself down the stairs at Sandringham , Charles called a doctor and then disappeared , leaving the Queen Mother to comfort his wife .
30 Despite being repeatedly arrested and brought back home , bruised and beaten by the police , she finally got to see the King by throwing herself into the road in front of the Royal car .
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