Example sentences of "[prep] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of this information you will quickly learn and will feel able to discuss with patients , but other items ( e.g. what to expect after a particular operation ) you may not know enough about .
2 So it is possible that the short-run agents in the model over estimate the long term agent 's type after a particular sequence of shocks and subsequently revise this estimate downwards .
3 An even more revealing way to consider the changes in the popularity of divorce would be to look at the proportion of each marriage cohort that divorces after a particular period of time .
4 The Rules do not require the use of a particular memo an articles .
5 Instead , the amplitude of the saccades increases with the intensity of the stimulation , up to a plateau that is characteristic of a particular stimulation site .
6 They are most useful in education , because students are able to get a fast turn-round while at the same time learning the principles of operation of a particular software package , and in draft map production , where a cartographer is experimenting with different map designs .
7 The agency man owes his knowledge of a particular publication , say newspaper profiles " , not only to the National Readership Survey , but to the sales literature from the media itself which have plied him with relevant data about readership and special opportunities and offers to make their publication the best of all possible buys .
8 This means that both the editors and the promotion department of a particular publication may be interested in " advertorials ' , associated booklets , competitions and special offers .
9 But the experience of writing creatively — of using the sonnet form , for example , or of imitating the characteristics of a particular writer 's style — leads also to an increased critical awareness of literary technique in the writing of others .
10 Sometimes the term has been applied to the linguistic habits of a particular writer ( " the style of Dickens , of Proust " , etc ) ; at other times it has been applied to the way language is used in a particular genre , period , school of writing , or some combination of these : " epistolary style " , " early eighteenth-century style " , " euphuistic style " , " the style of Victorian novels " , etc .
11 In such cases the recognition of style involves awareness of deviation from one norm ( the norm of a particular writer , genre , period , register to which the text owes its provenance ) , and approximation to another contrasting norm .
12 This state is easily distinguished from the rational and purposeful promotion of a particular philosophy , or the rejection of a demand , by its resistance not only to ‘ impositions ’ but to the offer of responsibility and choice .
13 Others restrict their membership to worshippers of a particular god .
14 If IMF holdings of a particular currency were depleted to an extent that threatened its ability to provide that currency to other countries , then that currency could be declared ‘ scarce ’ .
15 For example , a woman married to a man of a particular descent group may well be passed on to another man of her husband 's descent group at his death .
16 The centre shows a map of the receptive field of a particular ganglion cell obtained using a stationary spot .
17 As can be seen from the sample tasks above , identifying the place value of a column was generally rather easier than giving the place value of a particular digit .
18 The human olfactory system , illustrated in Figure 1 , although not as well developed as in many animals , is nevertheless far more sensitive in detecting odours than any known instrumental technique and is capable of discriminating among many thousands of odorous substances , often carrying the memory of a particular odour for life .
19 It has been advised , mistakenly as I think , that to attempt any justification of a particular award , however surprising that award might be , would be to concede the right of every claimant to reasons .
20 Thirdly , the Convention may be silent both as to the substance of a particular issue and as to the law by which it is to be determined , in which case it is a question of construction whether the Convention covers the point or merely leaves it to be dealt with under the law applicable under the conflicts rules of the forum .
21 Problems ( again not attributable to readers ) were also caused by items which are not adequately identified by the pressmark supplied in their catalogue entry ( 9% ) , and by serials , of which the location of a particular issue may not be evident from information available in the Issue Hall ( 6% ) , while the sending of call-slips to an inappropriate part of the Library also caused some delay ( 4% ) .
22 The applicant may also be required to share with other " adjourned " applicants , the cost of the adjourned meeting , in terms of a particular board 's regulations .
23 When I tried to discover just what was really meant when it was said of a particular girl that she had been " married " in this sense seven times before she was nineteen , I was told that if a girl was seen to be cooking a meal for a man this was evidence that she was " married " to him .
24 It related only to the Works and not to my works generally or to works of a particular description .
25 The Programmer unconditionally and irrevocably waives the rights conferred by Chapter IV of Part I of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 on such ( if any ) of the Program as does not consist in a computer program or a computer-generated work : this waiver extends to the Publisher 's sub-licensees and successors in title : it relates only to the components and not the Programmer 's works generally or to works of a particular description .
26 The Programmer unconditionally and irrevocably waives the rights conferred by Chapter IV of Part I of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 on such ( if any ) of the Program as does not consist in a computer program or a computergenerated work : this waiver extends to the Publisher 's sub-licensees and successors in title : it relates only to the components and not the Programmer 's works generally or to works of a particular description .
27 Much less frequently , it confers powers on an official of a particular description or grade .
28 Under section 91 , the need to offer pre-emptive rights may be excluded by a provision in the memorandum or articles of a private company — either wholly or in relation to allotments of a particular description .
29 ‘ In the Court of Appeal considerable doubt was expressed by that court as to whether an absolute prohibition on the import of a particular description of goods could amount to a quantitative restriction or a measure having equivalent effect , so as to fall within the ambit of Article 30 at all .
30 The regulations anticipated under s11(1) will have the purpose of securing : ( a ) that goods to which this section applies are safe ; ( b ) that goods to which this section applies which are unsafe , or would be unsafe in the hands of persons of a particular description , are not made available to persons generally or , as the case may be , to persons of that description ; and ( c ) that appropriate information is , and inappropriate information is not , provided in relation to goods to which this section applies .
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