Example sentences of "[prep] a particular time " in BNC.

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1 This lucid and candid prose , strong in the detail of a particular time and place , often ignores , and can on occasion seem to depart from , the sense of the literature it embodies .
2 Perhaps this is now an old-fashioned view ; but posterity can judge what is good music-making and what are merely the trends of a particular time .
3 The notion of a routine , of a particular time for meals , baths , bed for young children — to fit in with the other interests and commitments of parents working outside the home — is not especially important .
4 He points out first that those who are aware of the finer points of history will know that in former days ( or " the earliest days ' : the meticulous ulema were authorized to give fetvas individually according to the requirement of a particular time .
5 A sector has a financial surplus if total receipts exceed total expenditure for a particular time period , and vice versa for a financial deficit .
6 You need to consider what activities are most suitable for a particular time of day .
7 All over the world , standards of beauty vary ; fat women can become the ideal , or those with small feet , or tall women , or those with blue eyes , or whatever it is that seems to capture the spirit of beauty for a particular time and place .
8 A magnate would engage to serve with a specified number of men for a particular time in return for wages which were agreed in advance and paid by the Exchequer .
9 The predictions will thus not be accurate in the sense that the severeness of the symptoms can be predicted for a particular time , but they will be statistically accurate .
10 Secondly there are restraints upon the business in which the person receiving the business secrets may engage ( ie not to compete in a certain way for a particular time because of the risk of use or disclosure of business secrets ) .
11 Similarly a few LEAs stepped up pressure on schools to implement anti-sexist policies , asking for school policies within a particular time limit ( e.g. Brent , ILEA ) pressuring heads to implement change ; organizing inservice courses ( Humberside , Brent ) replacing text books and appointing Advisers/Inspectors .
12 Once the parties had been heard , the master or registrar would have the power either to make an ‘ unless ’ order , that is that the case would be struck out unless particular steps were taken within a particular time , or the case would be set down for trial .
13 Having given an opportunity to the parties to be heard , the master or district judge will be able to make an ‘ unless ’ order to the effect that the case be struck out unless particular steps are taken within a particular time , or will be able to set the case down for trial .
14 In the absence of agreement between the two parties within a particular time , there is usually provision for reference to a third firm of accountants to determine the area of disagreement .
15 Some palaeontological works are systematic ; that is to say , they describe a particular fossil , or group of fossils ; or they are used stratigraphically , to delimit a geological zone within a particular time period , so that the age of a sedimentary sequence can be determined .
16 It may be appropriate to specify in the partnership agreement that the power to expel must be exercised , if at all , within a particular time .
17 Individuals may sometimes rent a stall on a ‘ one-off ’ basis , usually by waiting until a particular time ( eg 11.00 ) to see if the regular trader turns up .
18 Other methods of stimulating volume might include controlling trading hours ( by concentrating liquidity in a particular time frame , as on the metal and cocoa rings ) or by lengthening the hours , to attract business from other time zones .
19 It is useful for would-be choreographers to study the historical development of classical style so that they may stage a ballet in a traditional way when it has a story firmly linked to a particular time and place .
20 These two institutions have a history , and they are therefore specific to a particular time and type of society and , as time passes and society goes on changing , as it always has , these institutions will change .
21 The timing of training sessions was investigated in some depth and the importance of fitting the training to a particular time of year and to a particular size of training package at specific times of day was revealed .
22 These are all , in effect , tests of manners , not morals , since propriety is a measure of the appropriateness of public behaviour to a particular time or place .
23 But that offence is one against propriety , against what a community may find appropriate to a particular time or place .
24 One significant difference is when an ‘ illness ’ has a starting date , or when the decline in energy or function can be pinpointed to a particular time .
25 We recommend that future project initiatives of this kind should give much more thought to the structures and procedures , both within project schools and at the level of overall planning and coordination which are required to ensure that initiatives are not confined to a particular time period or grant , and that the inservice implications of good practice resulting from the project are capitalised upon .
26 There is no necessary link between tense and time ; it is likely in this instance that the use of the present tense is not restricted to a particular time ( which is the time of the utterance ) but refers rather to a " general " present .
27 Others need precise daily rations of sunlight that change with the seasons if they are to start flowering at a particular time .
28 Enigma Variations is a unique ballet about particular people at a particular time — and in a particular environment — the characters were even recognised by old friends ( see page 53 ) .
29 A great writer can have , at a particular time , a pernicious or merely deadening influence ; and this influence can be most effectively attacked by pointing out those faults which ought not to be copied , and those virtues any emulation of which is anachronistic .
30 He is not talking about any one of these great writers ( his devotion to Browning was well advertised ) but about , in Eliot 's words , the ‘ pernicious or merely deadening influence ’ that ‘ a great writer can have , at a particular time ’ .
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