Example sentences of "[prep] [be] discussed at " in BNC.

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1 The matter is to be discussed at the next inter-church committee meeting , but meanwhile the meeting felt that a reasonable contribution towards costs could be forthcoming from the council .
2 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will send to each member of the committee an agenda some days before the meeting setting out the items to be discussed at the meeting .
3 He wants approval from the full parliament , as well as the environment committee , in time for it to be discussed at a meeting of environment ministers in June .
4 The matter is due to be discussed at the ICC 's July meeting .
5 And in a further blow to peace hopes , Serbia 's ruling Socialist Party ( SPS ) rejected the latest draft of an EC peace plan to be discussed at The Hague today .
6 The findings are due to be discussed at a future meeting of Braintree District Council 's community and leisure committee .
7 The assembly passed it to presbyteries and they in turn passed it on through their billets to ministers who in turn were supposed to pass it to sessions and it was supposed to be discussed at session level and turned down to ordinary congregations .
8 Methodological principles need to be discussed at the rather abstract level at which they were presented in the preceding chapters ; otherwise it is not always easy to assess the applicability of a set of methods to a new research context .
9 It was not unusual for topics such as mating to be discussed at the breakfast table despite Cora-Beth 's presence !
10 Following approval by the Personnel Committee , I will arrange for the item to be discussed at the two departmental joint consultative committees , prior to implementation of the pilot scheme .
11 The draft treaty on immigration , which is to be discussed at Maastricht next week , contains a series of proposals starting with article A. That proposes that immigration and asylum matters , together with certain police , fraud and drugs issues , should not come under the competence of the treaty of Rome , but should be dealt with on an intergovernmental basis — a view with which the Government completely agree .
12 We seek to promote non-proliferation and disarmament , and that will be one of the matters to be discussed at the United Nations Security Council meeting that I shall chair next week .
13 The Foreign Ministers ' proposals were to be discussed at the June European Council summit " with a view to a decision on the holding of a second intergovernmental conference to work in parallel with the conference on economic and monetary union with a view to ratification by member states in the same timeframe " .
14 The two leaders confirmed that " our two countries will continue to be the motor of European construction " and desired that the reforms due to be discussed at the two intergovernmental conferences of the European Communities ( EC ) in December [ see p. 37520 ] be ratified by the member countries by Dec. 31 , 1992 , to coincide with the introduction of the single internal market in the EC .
15 Proposals for a permanent peace treaty were expected to be discussed at the next Korean Premiers ' meeting .
16 Delegates agreed that points to be discussed at the December meeting would include ( i ) the creation of a climate for free political participation ; ( ii ) constitutional principles ; ( iii ) the nature of the constitution-making body and arrangements for a transitional government ; and ( iv ) the future of the bantustans .
17 According to Izvestiya of May 29 , Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev had announced that the withdrawal of the 14th Army had been agreed ; the timescale and conditions were to be discussed at the quadrilateral Foreign and Defence Ministers ' meeting , postponed from May 29 .
18 The implications of the report are to be discussed at a meeting of representatives from the nuclear industries of Sweden , Finland , Germany , France , Italy and the UK .
19 Leaders of the eight member states of the Amazon Pact , meeting in the Brazilian Amazon city of Manaus , have issued a declaration calling for financial and technical support from northern countries , in return for agreeing to preserve their forest resources as part of a strategy to combat global warming , to be discussed at the UNCED conference in June .
20 There continue to be a considerable range of views among the 12 member countries on specific issues likely to be discussed at the summit , however , such as the feasibility of carbon taxes or the level of development aid .
21 Perhaps it 's a matter that erm needs to be discussed at rather more length than that .
22 Erm to be discussed at a future meeting for Steve to speak on the subject .
23 ‘ Can we all talk about the future of the family business , or is that some taboo subject never to be discussed at mealtimes ? ’
24 Changes in the way it 's run are to be discussed at a meeting tonight , but details are n't being revealed until then .
25 AN initiative designed to promote the Welsh language and culture in the Vale of Clwyd is to be discussed at a public meeting in Denbigh on June 16 .
26 The importance of flexible working arrangements , particularly for women , is to be discussed at a half-day seminar this month .
27 A second application had been submitted and was due to be discussed at the April meeting of the planning committee .
28 The outline agreement they reached recently about the country 's transition to full democracy still has to be discussed at a multi-party forum to be re-convened along the lines of the previous Convention for a Democratic South Africa ( CODESA ) ; but already they are beginning to position themselves for elections which are likely to be a year away .
29 The deepening crisis over foreign imports is due to be discussed at a meeting of the EC Fisheries Council today in Brussels .
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