Example sentences of "[prep] [be] making a " in BNC.

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1 Clarissa pointed out that nobody else seemed to be making a fuss .
2 Like others , he would be dismayed to find a good service submerged in yet another change , after the election , just as many Trust hospitals appear to be making a go of it .
3 If anyone claims to be making a factual statement , then they ought to be able to state what observations would be relevant to determining the truth or falsity of that statement .
4 They are more likely to do this if they are seen to be making a direct and positive contribution to the school 's consultative and decision-making processes , rather than observing from a distance in a way that underlines the ‘ us-them ’ relationship .
5 Sir Geraint was thought to be making a good recovery in hospital after suffering a minor heart attack at his home near Aberystwyth .
6 Beat , their not-exactly-stunning dance division , for Norman Cook 's Beats International , although Paul Heaton 's Beautiful South seem to be making a more lasting contribution .
7 The monk , nun or vicar could , for example , be described as a more involved member than the old lady who attends Matins each Sunday ; she , in turn , is more involved than those who go to church only at Christmas and Easter ; and they are probably more committed than the sailor who , when he fills out C of E on a form , is more likely to be making a cultural than a religious statement .
8 It is not clear from the article to what extent it was Dutch society that he was basing his analysis on , but given that he appears to be making a general point about changes within Western Europe , it is important to point out that most of the literature on youth , adolescence and relations between the generations in Britain has tended to concentrate on , to use Elias ' term again , the changing balance of power between the generations within the working class .
9 This provides one of Goody 's main claims to be making a contribution to further research : the field worker , whether anthropologist , historian , social psychologist or whatever , can ask of a specific culture why literacy did not fulfil its potential there , and what were the factors that ‘ restricted ’ its development .
10 A heavy rare groove vibe , which seems to be making a comeback on many London floors in defiance of the high street rave scene , informs this surefire chart hit on Rhythm King .
11 The quiet life obviously palled : he is said to be making a comeback .
12 They seemed to be making a point on reception of continually stressing , ‘ This is prison so you 'd better get used to it .
13 Howard seemed to be making a doomed attempt to explain the Doctor 's business on the island without mentioning zombies , the Necronomicon or anything similar that the military men might find difficult to accept .
14 Graham Burns seems to be making a habit of trying to follow British triumphs .
15 You seem to be making a habit of it . ’
16 And they had hundreds and hundreds of hens in deep litter and they seemed to be making a lot of money out of it .
17 " No wooden shoes " ; " No potatoes , No Popery " ; no imprisonment without trial ; liberty , freedom , and , especially , a sympathy with anyone who seemed to be making a stand against government 's inherent tendency towards arbitrary action .
18 There are some very important bits that we need to be making a a note of there , and many witnesses told lies against Jesus , but their stories did n't agree , they tried to find some evidence against him in order to put him to death Mark tells us , but they could n't find any .
19 In the words of John Paton , " the clean break seemed to be making a clean sweep of the Party members " .
20 Mr Gerrish appeared to be making a full recovery .
21 ‘ The boys do their best , but the girls seem to be making a better job of it ’ gave the impression that boys ca n't dance as well as girls .
22 ‘ The boys do their best , but the girls seem to be making a better job of it ’ gave the impression that boys ca n't dance as well as girls .
23 One man was ‘ seriously ill ’ and the other was said to be making a satisfactory recovery .
24 I know I thought I 'd turned it off , I 'm going to have a look , something seems to be making a noise it was the vent
25 But he s seems to be making a claim to be , to sort of promote it within the
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