Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] eight years " in BNC.

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1 After nearly eight years of working as an editor of the NI , I have facts embedded in my brain and figures coming out of my ears .
2 After over eight years of rule by the strongly pro-US Jamaica Labour Party , a period marked by great hardship as the economy was forcibly ‘ restructured ’ , the February 1989 election returned Michael Manley 's People 's National Party .
3 I , too , have been employed in the catering industry for approximately eight years and hold similar qualifications to those of Mr Stewart .
4 Within the space of only eight years , although desperately ill and while painting and illustrating as well , he completed some sixty short stories , all later published posthumously , three novels , and a quarter of a million words of journals .
5 That was the slide of approximately eight years ago .
6 America 's visible-trade deficit narrowed to $4.0 billion in March , thanks to lower imports ; it was the smallest monthly deficit for nearly eight years .
7 Although Joseph Hyde had occupied the room for nearly eight years , he had done nothing to personalize it .
8 Jan stayed with us for nearly eight years .
9 Simon and Mary Jane Cole have lived here for nearly eight years .
10 But the effluent saga had lasted for nearly eight years and although the court appearances were relatively few and Laura herself never became directly involved , the publicity was unwelcome for a company which claimed the Welsh countryside as the key to its philosophy .
11 With deep regret we have to report that who worked at Trowbridge Mill for nearly eight years as a press operator , died on March 30 , 1993 .
12 Millend stood idle for about eight years until it eventually became the home of The Mechanical Malting Company , later The Automatic Malting Co , who remained there until 1931 .
13 One mother , whose daughter has lived with her boyfriend for about eight years , constantly nags her daughter about getting married and feels deep personal pain and grief .
14 They also found that the ex-married women had been married for about eight years , on average , before becoming lone mothers .
15 So I was Been on the streets now for about eight years .
16 Is he aware that that gentleman hoodwinked the nation for about eight years and that in the end his wife made it clear that the man was entirely bogus ?
17 I have no interest to declare in the construction industry , but during my first 10 years in that industry I worked for John Laing , then I worked for Wimpey for about eight years , and I was the head of the largest direct labour organisation in the country — the Greater London council — for nearly three years .
18 Then there are the imports : 83,000 tonnes of toxic waste enter British ports annually for incineration or other treatment , a figure which has increased 20-fold in just eight years .
19 The move came four days after the Labour Department announced that unemployment had increased to 7.5 per cent , the highest total in nearly eight years .
20 In March America had its smallest monthly trade deficit for almost eight years : $4 billion compared with a monthly average of $8.5 billion in 1990 .
21 Yesterday , however , villagers were celebrating a decision which they hoped would mark the end of another local controversy which has been running for almost eight years .
22 Hell , America 's Jayhawks have been stoking the old C&W fire for almost eight years now .
23 He was called Chip and he stayed with me for around eight years .
24 It is therefore no surprise that local opposition to the LDDC has continued for over eight years now , even though the first chairman of the LDDC , Nigel Broackes of Trafalgar House , predicted that within a few years local opposition ‘ will not exist ’ .
25 Levitt Electrical Corporation House had stood as a cover for over eight years .
26 Mr. Dennis has had the benefit of living in the house , despite his bankruptcy , for over eight years since he was adjudicated bankrupt .
27 Now the District Council have taken a lot of money off this town , over the market stalls now , for a number of years , and I believe if they 're going to do a scheme like this which has been going on now for over eight years , it should be done all in one go .
28 The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Sept. 10 , 1989 , that it had imposed a 1 per cent increase in interest rates on savings deposits and bank loans , the first such increase for over eight years .
29 JOAN Bassett has been the conductor of the Hadley Court Singers for over eight years and in that time she has welded this group of 45 singers based at Haddington into a flexible corporate whole motivated at all times by her own perceptive musicianship .
30 Yet this continuing service predates the better known crisis team at Napsbury Hospital , St Albans , by at least eight years .
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