Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] to get [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For purely practical reasons we do not permit debates in either House to be cited : it would add greatly to the time and expense involved in preparing cases involving the construction of a statute if counsel were expected to read all the debates in Hansard , and it would often be impracticable for counsel to get access to at least the older reports of debates in Select Committees of the House of Commons ; moreover , in a very large proportion of cases such a search , even if practicable , would throw no light on the question before the court .
2 Our er primary objective in setting it up er is of course to get money to good causes and and on a on a large scale , Certainly certainly in in terms of er the prizes er on on the on my forecasts my my conservative forecast , there 's ample opportunity for there bei for there to be a milli a millionaire every week .
3 The fingerboard is wide and again lends itself well to rock styles , although if you 're into slinging guitars around your knees and just going for the chords there 's plenty of meat to get hold of .
4 But the one a British officer in a hurry put to a piece of paper to get Wolski on to his staff , because Wolski had commandeered a horse and the British army needed of all things at that moment a working horse and its apparent owner .
5 Iveco 's official language is English , but Mr Aimetti concedes that , in spite of a lot of effort to get people to learn a second language , there has not been much success .
6 It 's taken a lot of effort to get Charlie into his present condition .
7 Mr Kinnock promised a patriotic Government with a sense of purpose to get Britain out of recession and rebuild the country 's essential public services .
8 ‘ It is very difficult for somebody coming out of prison to get accommodation .
9 As very small children , too , we had lots of time to get things done in the same pattern .
10 Yields of Texas ' 36MHz SuperSparc implementation , due to feature in the Model 30 , have n't been as high or as good as yields on a 33MHz part , so Sun , under pressure to get Sparc 10 systems out of the door , is thought to have put together the Model 20 to take advantage of this opportunity .
11 It was getting near Christmas and we were both under pressure to get orders completed .
12 Oh , we had to wait at the border , we had in advance to get visas , and when we got there , things were very simple but nonetheless , we were very well received , and the person that I was staying with , lived in a flat , a very simple flat , but nonetheless , a very pleasant flat .
13 Rocard had come under increasing pressure in the National Assembly ( lower house of parliament ) where he was dependent on alliances with either the right or the PCF in order to get legislation approved .
14 On the other hand , in order to get clearance , I will have to provide an idea of costs and benefits and so anything you can do on this will be most helpful .
15 If your normal working week consisted of 4 or more days , then you must lose 2 days work in any period of 6 consecutive days in order to get UB .
16 The couriers signed on for courses at two language schools in order to get visas , but were caught when one had his baggage searched at Heathrow .
17 A lot of countries do n't have control over their own economies , they do n't have control over things like whether of not people are going to have jobs , whether or not people are going to make a livelihood , whether or not people are going to even be able to live in the country , because in Ireland something like 1000 people a week are leaving the country in order to get work .
18 ‘ However , in order to get government grant we need to evaluate a whole range of other options .
19 We will immediately introduce an emergency programme of investment in the infrastructure and in public works in order to get companies and people back to work , thus reducing unemployment by 600,000 over the next two years .
20 There is another rule , equally old and equally well-established — that you can not make a mere witness a party in order to get discovery from him ’ .
21 Being master of a college does give one an opportunity to work with whatever forces already exist within the college in order to get things moving .
22 In reality individuals will often by-pass these formal structures in order to get things done by contacting their opposite number in another department directly .
23 The use of this network will be required in order to get things done .
24 ‘ It 's likely that Procordia is going to make a bid for Pharmacia in order to get hold of its drugs division to combine it with KabiVitrum , ’ ( its pharmaceutical subsidiary ) , said a financial analyst at Stockholm broker , United Securities .
25 Apart from other considerations , many other almost insuperable obstacles , in order to get hold of Mike or her father she would have to go through switchboards and in her father 's case a secretary .
26 After all , Changez was needed in the shop even more urgently now that Anwar had so enfeebled himself on the Gandhi-diet in order to get Changez to Britain in the first place .
27 She was just thinking dizzily that perhaps it was what she really should do , in order to get Dr Russell out of her system , when Sharon Blackett 's fat file was dumped unceremoniously on top of the rest of the paperwork and she looked up to see the endocrinologist 's painfully disturbing form looming over her .
28 In order to get teachers ' views on pupils ' information use , over one hundred sixth-form teachers and teacher librarians were talked to and a series of nineteen ‘ vignettes ’ developed .
29 She ‘ ran away ’ to London in order to get sleep and rest and not have to talk to so many people every day . ’
30 Particularly I think to the , to , to , not to provide something that they encounter elsewhere , the hoops they have to go through in order to get benefit , the restart programme , we 're not interested in that we 're interested in solidarity support , rebuilding confidence , keep keeping unemployed people in contract with the local trade union movement , and that that 's something that I personally regard as extremely important and something that , that erm with this partnership of the Labour Party , the Labour Group and the Trades Council and the trade unions in the area , I think we do very effectively .
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