Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] to take the " in BNC.

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1 The scheme has also provided for the building of roads to take the goods to market , and other projects to help ease the transition .
2 It 's probably just a case of a couple of screws to take the cover off .
3 Obviously it may be too early to answer some of these questions fully , but the fact that I , in common with the majority of arts teachers working in secondary schools in this country , have been grappling with the very difficult process of assessing , marking and moderating the work of the first batch of pupils to take the GCSE examination will , I believe , give added force to some of the things I intend to say .
4 Turn it over to a couple of men to take the place apart , or leave it alone .
5 It must now be a matter of top priority for hauliers to take the best insurance advice available on the risks being run and the cover available for operations by road and sea to mainland Europe .
6 It is common practice for workers to take the spare pack home to peruse — the bureau that assigns time to a worker specifically for reading is rare ( see Chapter 4 ) .
7 But just suppose — if they do send in dragoons with guns to take the men away — we are helpless , then , you know we are .
8 It is difficult to ascertain just how effective are conferences and seminars in promoting co-operation and coordination but at the very least they provide a forum for practitioners to take the opportunity for co-operative efforts .
9 As a fashionable spa town during the last century , Baden bei Wien attracted royals and noble hangers-on , who came in droves to take the waters and cake their aristocratic frames in healthpreserving mud .
10 Curbishley returned from hospital on crutches to take the pressure off her knee .
11 If they have overprotective parents , always worried and fearful , they may not develop the confidence they need , and become shy and timid , unable to take responsibility and always looking to others to take the lead .
12 A particular feature of the course is the option for students to take the extended course leading to an MEng with an emphasis on software project management and team leadership .
13 If Wandsworth Council had succeeded it would have set a precedent for councils to take the NASUWT to court .
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