Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] ' pay " in BNC.

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1 The status and function of these courts came into question during one of the most critical of these enquiries , that presided over by Lord Wilberforce in 1972 into the dispute about miners ' pay which had led to a widespread stoppage of work .
2 IN A REPORT on August 3 1992 we gave details of a survey of directors ' pay conducted by the Labour Research Department .
3 Both American firms pay annual or biannual bonuses , and are searching for ways to link more of managers ' pay to performance .
4 With our new spirit of centralization , both as an interim in the matter of teachers ' pay and conditions , and in that of the curriculum , and the more general removal of powers from Local Authorities , it may well be that we are imperceptibly going down the French road .
5 We wish those who worked on the interim advisory committee well and we look forward to the next phase in the determination of teachers ' pay which is the work of the pay review body under the chairmanship of Sir Graham Day .
6 It seems that it is impossible — or should be impossible — to discuss any aspect of teachers ' pay , however technical , without relating it to the quality of teachers ' performance and teaching methods .
7 Substantial elements of teachers ' pay and conditions will be subject to local determination , at the levels of the LEA and the school .
8 Schools did lose staff but it seems more likely to have been a reflection of the generally low level of teachers ' pay at a time of full employment .
9 They would be worth one-fifth of residents ' pay and cover half the value of the goods .
10 In the past the controversy about the nature of the role of the Commons has been reflected in arguments about the proper level of MPs ' pay .
11 Blushes and risk are the ways to deal with directors ' pay
12 Row grows over BMW perk in officials ' pay
13 The two largest union federations , Turk-Is and Hak-Is , which organized the strike , demanded an increase of 500 per cent in workers ' pay and called for an end to restrictive labour laws .
14 In Saratov itself it was suggested that there should be a 2 per cent deduction from water-workers ' pay in order to improve cultural facilities .
15 Education Secretary John Patten is also fighting off a cut in teachers ' pay and campaigning for his budget to push through education reforms and repair crumbling schools .
16 increase in real terms in teachers ' pay and that there was an increase of only 6 per cent .
17 While the Government are rightly pursuing the pay review body , which I believe and certainly hope will result in a substantial rise in teachers ' pay , they are simultaneously engaged — not before time — in asking serious questions about some of the methods used in our schools , most recently in primary schools .
18 In supporting the order — one could scarcely do otherwise — I should like to stress that the way forward does not lie merely in improvements in teachers ' pay , necessary though they are .
19 Further , both Conservative and Labour Governments have sought to restrict increases in MPs ' pay so that Parliament does not give a bad example to the country and encourage more inflation .
20 Anyone who has the experience of employing workers will confirm the clear work incentive when less money is deducted at source from employees ' pay , even if the same overall sums are collected by Stamp Duty , VAT , and the like , for this later allows personal discretion as to what to do with one 's own money ; and such choice is important to people at every level of industrial life .
21 What he actually said , in a Commons debate about teachers ' pay , was that the shadow education spokesman was a ‘ silly woman ’ a comment as inaccurate as it may have been offensive .
22 for teachers ' pay , so the differential between Hampshire and my hon. Friend 's county is only 5 per cent .
23 The result of Mr Kenneth Baker 's current thinking on a national curriculum , on a new negotiating structure for teachers ' pay and conditions ind on increasing the independence ind financial responsibility of individual schools would be to make local education authorities largely redundant .
24 I hope that you , Mr. Speaker , will agree that there is a fundamental connection between teachers ' pay — and the mechanics of it — the esteem in which teachers are held and the methods that they use .
25 In a final , ironic comment on what commentators now referred to as ‘ the British disease ’ , television coverage of the national celebration was severely disrupted by a dispute over technicians ' pay .
26 Councillor Rodgers said , ‘ They are interfering with the democratic process in this by-election and seeking to buy political influence with what amounts to bribes ’ , and noted the offer was personally embarrassing for him as he negotiated as a union official with the companies over workers ' pay and conditions .
27 Further additions to expatriates ' pay may take the form of bonus payments .
28 The fact that Labour Members voted against the review body approach to teachers ' pay should provide the warning that my hon. Friend described .
29 DES proposals for a national curriculum , the growth of categorical funding by the DES and MSC in priority areas specified by central government , the dismantling of the Burnham Committee on teachers ' pay , and changes in the control of polytechnics and colleges of higher education are all moves designed to reduce the power of the LEAs and increase central control .
30 Committees for negotiations on teachers ' pay were set up by this Act , which also laid down procedures for arbitration where agreement could not be reached .
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