Example sentences of "[prep] [art] hundred [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Do you pause from time to time to thank God for the hundred and one tiny joys that make up each day ?
2 And while my ships does have useful guns of its own , in nose and tail , they were hardly a match for the hundred and twenty flamers ranged against me .
3 After a hundred and fifteen sittings , Cézanne abandoned my portrait to return to Aix .
4 There was n't any hope of treasure , they knew that ; and all they salvaged after a hundred and seventy five years were a few copper nails from the frigate 's hull and a couple of cannon .
5 The waters returned to the earth and after erm , and were calm after a hundred and fifty days .
6 And were calm after a hundred and fort fifty days , after
7 Police are hunting three men after a hundred and forty miles an hour car chase .
8 And then I could add them together , or if that 's a bit awkward , what I could do is I could think of the hundred and one as a hundred add one , I can think of the seventeen as ten add seven , and then I multiply them this way and I multiply all the bits and then add all the bits up at the end .
9 Now , net debt of the hundred and eighteen million is of course , er , a balance of two items .
10 Yes Chairman , of the hundred and sixty thousand plus cost , erm , part of the contribution by the major servicing committee , and I understand that they advised me the balance has been made from local contributions , and charitable sources .
11 Erm owing to the extent Chairman and I think erm we we have established er we were happy that the the level of development er rightly or wrongly as a as a commitment is already in excess of the hundred and two hectares being spoken about .
12 the right sort of order of magnitude of allocation to the new settlement , the remainder of the hundred and forty five hectares would be within that ring on that plan .
13 Er I think it 's also worth noting again chairman here that er in fact most of the hundred and forty five hectares that we 've been talking about er is in fact already committed
14 And what did they say , I can tell you what they said , because I happen to have a petition here , signed by a hundred and four county council tenants out of the hundred and six that we have .
15 Last year S C F programmes received almost eighteen million pounds of the hundred and forty seven million which we channelled through N G Os .
16 If we followed the rules er the M R C rules strictly one of the lower risk group of patients was a G three P T one tumour and that patient er progressed and in fact all the patients who progressed , all the four out of the hundred and fifty nine patients who progressed erm from the total group had either G two or G three P T one tumours at diagnosis , and I think there 's a very strong case for making these a totally separate group of patients erm for follow up .
17 Would my honourable friend , is my honourable friend aware that employment in London and the South East has actually risen by over two hundred in the ten years from March nineteen eighty three and will she confirm that some of the hundred and fifty thousand places in the new apprenticeship scheme will be available in London ?
18 Now say for instance that because of the minimum solvency er agreement the employers have got to pay whatever their loss is , and if and I asked this question of the T U C that if there was a situation of where the employees were in the majority and forget the pension regulator , because there was a regulator anyway , so you can add whatever name that y you liked to have , but the fraud still went on , but say the employees were in the majority as far as the trustees is concerned and they were in full control and the control was taken away from the employers and there was a a federation of the hundred and twenty eight thousand with a central fund paying off heavy loss of any minimum solvencies , then surely that would be the ideal situation in order to safeguard , because when I asked Goodey himself when he submitted his report , he said they could not give any categ categorical assurance that nobody could defraud in any scheme under the proposals he 's made .
19 Erm we could write that as , instead of the hundred and twenty we could have twelve times ten could n't we ?
20 In the National Museum of Natural History , Washington , the collections reflect the research interests of the hundred or more curators .
21 Half of all personal income is exempted from taxation as a result of the hundred or so tax allowances , or , more accurately , tax benefits .
22 Most of the hundred or so men who were waiting with Burun had dismounted , but their st'lyan stood heads up , waiting patiently .
23 On the success or failure of this part of the operation would depend the lives of the hundred or more ordinary inmates of the building , because whether or not Control was successfully captured , phase three , an all-out assault by the remainder of Springfield 's troops would be launched .
24 The spectators were all either lining the 18th hole or watching the drama on one of the hundred or so TV sets in the Hospitality Units .
25 The Front Line peace camp was not difficult to find , mainly because of the hundred or so handwritten signs ( most on the back of crisp boxes ) saying ‘ Front Line ’ with a badly drawn arrow , which had been threaded into the wire perimeter fence .
26 Erm well actually what I wanted was a repeat of my prescription , but I wondered why the last time I had one I got sixty instead of a hundred that I got before ?
27 But what I 'm saying is some schools they might be here seventy five days out of a hundred but for twenty of those
28 Paid cash for them , a couple of quid short of a hundred and twenty pounds . ’
29 Erm she would ask that and fine that impose today er , could be paid by her at the rate of five pounds per week erm , she er runs a car her invalidity income amounts to forty six pounds fifteen pence per week and she also receives a super annuation payment from her former employers Goldeson 's Hospital at the rate of a hundred and three pounds per month but she and her husband do have to er to run the home and er , and run the house er , run run the car and she would ask that she 'll be allowed to pay at the rate of five pound per week .
30 But your own death , if your the death of the first of you and your spouse , have its own exception a er its own limit of a hundred and fifty thousand pounds .
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