Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few weeks " in BNC.

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1 He eventually got the girl to agree to a date and walked around with an idiot smile on his face for the few weeks beforehand .
2 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
3 The first group of paintings in which this new development is clearly visible are the canvases executed during the few weeks spent at La Rue-des-Bois in the autumn and in Paris during the succeeding months .
4 After a few weeks of this , I can guarantee you 'll be feeling quite a different person , and unable to wait to get out for your Sainsbury 's session , or your Waitrose-lifting !
5 The Ethiopian army , the biggest in sub-Saharan Africa , consists largely of press-ganged young peasants or unemployed urban teenagers who have been drafted to the front after a few weeks ' training .
6 After a few weeks the final — and expected — decision was made and Shanaz was sent back to Pakistan , frightened and uncertain about the future .
7 After a few weeks the foal gains sufficient confidence to start establishing friendships with other foals , and as the weeks pass it will spend more time with them , and less with its mother — unless it is frightened , and then it will dash back to her side for security and reassurance .
8 However , most mares settle down after a few weeks .
9 There are many different varieties of scabetic mite infesting various mammals , and , although the mites from different animals appear to be similar , they are probably species specific because infestation by the mite from domestic animals does not ‘ take ’ in the human and dies out after a few weeks .
10 If untreated , recovery occurs after a few weeks , but discharging abscesses may remain in the groin .
11 After a few weeks , he was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital , where he received physiotherapy treatment .
12 After a few weeks of agitation in the press , Mr Pozderac resigned from his high government office , although still declaring his innocence .
13 After a few weeks the time log sheets are analysed for you by a specialist who duly reports back on how you have been spending your time .
14 After a few weeks newspapers lifted their ban on match reports , and while the war was waged on the front page , the struggle for League points gathered pace on the back .
15 After a few weeks most boys bought their own pens and they were usually carried down the top of the right sock .
16 ‘ Often clients think it 's a good idea to come here but after a few weeks they think it 's not such a good idea .
17 After a few weeks in Blackpool , Marjorie was overjoyed when sent to America to join the Lollipop Troupe for a year .
18 After a few weeks on an unsweetened diet , it is remarkable how disgusting anything sugary tastes .
19 If cow 's milk does turn out to be the problem you can try drinking sheep or goat milk instead , after a few weeks .
20 I used Vichy 's Hip and Thigh Massage Cream and I could actually feel the nodules of fat cells disintegrating after a few weeks of applying the cream daily , and the improvement became more and more obvious as I continued .
21 After a few weeks of relative calm — the ‘ phoney war ’ — chauvinism was revived by the German invasion of Norway .
22 It was quieter , with few shops , not one of them interesting , and restaurants which opened with optimistic flourishes and invitations but where , after a few weeks , you could see the desolate owner standing in the doorway wondering where he 'd gone wrong ; his eyes told you the area was n't going to revive in his lifetime .
23 What did it matter if fish died after a few weeks ?
24 Her cancer , which had not even been mentioned during the hypnosis session , rapidly regressed and after a few weeks even all radiological evidence of it had disappeared .
25 As predicted , the small lumps vanished , the gland remained — unchanged — and after a few weeks , I grew accustomed to the feel of it and forgot it until Dr Dingle rediscovered it during my 1988 medical .
26 She lost her job after a few weeks and what little money my Dad had left quickly went on drugs and booze .
27 As it turned out , I was a dreadful croupier and after a few weeks they put me on coats and hats .
28 Each visit guaranteed he would leave behind some of his property and after a few weeks we 'd accumulated his record player , eight boxes of books and his Rupert Bear hot-water bottle .
29 After a few weeks , a small letter E was applied after the fleet numbers on the dashes of ex-Croydon Corporation cars .
30 After a few weeks , they were sent away one at a time to Hendon Works for repainting and returned renumbered 345–347 .
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