Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [unc] de " in BNC.

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1 The score for the Ballet de la raillerie , for example , shows that the two violins , two flutes and two voices mentioned in the livret do not form a six-part ensemble , but echo each other in pairs .
2 We shall be seeing more of this yacht , which has already been chosen as the class for the Tour de France à la Voile race in 1992/93 .
3 ‘ I am not saving it for the Tour de France .
4 It turned out to be the main dropping off point for the Tour de France and was at its noisiest when most civilized people were asleep .
5 with his stinging left jab opening the way for the coup de grace , the big overhand right , just as he did against Watson .
6 He stood there , his face awash with blood , his swollen mouth hanging open , but still conscious , still awake enough to see his younger brother 's eyes as they fixed his own and lined him up for the coup de grace .
7 Rilly produces wines which are appreciably lighter in style than those of neighbouring villages and has an unusually high proportion of Chardonnay for the Montagne de Reims .
8 Less than a mile from the turning for the Lac de Bious-Artigues , but on the other side of the road , is a lazier way of gaining real altitude and tremendous views , by taking the cable-car ( it goes regularly only in summer and during the skiing season ) up to the Pic de la Sagette , at almost 7,000 feet .
9 Third , and most important , the quinte part in the ballet is not playable by a late 17th-century oboe band : it lies too high for the bassoon and too low for the taille de hautbois , the tenor oboe that plays the third line .
10 The girls arrived at the Gare du Nord , as we will do , and then , as we will in a few days ' time , they made for the Gare de L'Est and the journey into central Europe .
11 At times the supporting leg would bend when on balance , whilst the working one was also bent with the foot turned up at the ankle during certain poses , or when performing a rond de jambe en dehors or en dedans during the pas de deux .
12 The same happens during the pas de deux that is supposed to be with Lise .
13 From it you can walk to Itxassou 's other half , which is clustered round the church , about a kilometre away and within sight of the defile known as the Pas de Roland , an opening in the rock said to have been made by the hoofs of this luckless paladin 's horse ( but more of Roland in the appropriate place , when we come to Roncevaux ) .
14 Take it , and in the space of only twenty miles you pass through a rapid summary of all the Pyrenean landscapes : high pasture first of all , nowhere richer than near the Col du Soul or , with a backing of the fearsome granite of the Cirque de Lit or ; then , after the village of Arbéost , dense woodland and the gorge of the river ; then suddenly open , more or less flat country , well cultivated , and you are out of the mountains for good .
15 Immediately to the west of the col is the Pic du Midi de Bigorre , then , to the left of that , the granite mass if of Néouvielle , with beyond it the rim of the Cirque de Gavarnie , and the Monte Perdido on the Spanish side ; and so on round to the south-east , in a wonderfully three dimensional arrangement of crests and hollows .
16 Alongside the late entry of capitalism into sport , which is bringing Britain closer to the commercialism of the Tour de France or the Superbowl — both of which significantly have begun to attract British audiences in sizeable numbers in the later 1980s — there lie two pressing issues : the decline of live audiences for sport and the rise of a hooligan subculture .
17 Ampler took gold in the 100km team time-trial in the Seoul Olympics and this year scored his third successive win in the Peace Race , the amateur equivalent of the Tour de France .
18 DJAMOLODINE Abdoujaparov , the former Soviet sprinter whose erratic finishing caused him to crash spectacularly on the Champs-Elysees during the final stage of the Tour de France last July , was yesterday disqualified after winning the Belgian Classic from Ghent to Wevelgem for pulling the jersey of Italian Mario Cipollini .
19 In 1987 , however , Sainte-Engrâce got its road out , at the far , eastern end of the valley , over what suddenly became the Col de Soudet ; it was inaugurated one day and used on the next by the toiling cyclists of the Tour de France , as part of one of their horribly taxing mountain climbs .
20 This bloc 's frontier is separated from ours by no more than 500 kilometres , or just about two stages of the Tour de France ! "
21 The result is that the surviving text of the Interludium de Clerico et Puella looks quite different from Dame Sirith : it looks like an anticlerical play .
22 The viola parts of the airs de monologue that begin Acts 1 and 3 of Hippolyte ( Aricie 's ‘ Temple sacré , séjour tranquille ’ and Phèdre 's ‘ Cruelle mere des amours ’ ) are wholly editorial , though there is no evidence that Rameau wished for fuller textures : d'Indy 's viola supplies no essential harmony but largely doubles notes in other parts .
23 The First Deputy Prime Minister 's husband replied in his standard way , larding his lengthy answer with the typical verbiage of the langue de bois : ‘ I will answer you starting with a more general presentation of the mechanism of societal government , ’ he began , before launching himself on about ten minutes ' worth of the following : ‘ A principle of collective leadership operates in the Romanian socialist society …
24 She was commissioned by the nuns of the local chapter of the Soeurs de Charité Dominicaines de la Présentation de la Sainte Vierge de Tours to paint a series of portraits of their founder , Mère Marie Poussepin .
25 According to Alexander Henderson , in The History of Ancient Wines ( 1824 ) , the ninth century saw the beginning of a distinction between the various wines of Champagne ; references henceforth distinguish between the wines of the Vallée de la Marne and those of the Montagne de Reims .
26 The north-facing slopes of the Montagne de Reims bore the brunt of the hostilities , yet the damage done to the vineyards during the Battle of the Marne was negligible compared with the inhuman slaughter and tragic loss of lives in the trenches .
27 The Vesle and the Ardre play significant roles in the drainage of the vineyards of the Petite Montagne , the hilly extension of the Montagne de Reims just west of the city .
28 On the Reims side of the Montagne de Reims , from Chamery just north of the Ardre , through Rilly-la-Montagne in the Grande Montagne proper , to Verzenay at its edge , the vineyards mostly have north-facing aspects .
29 Verzenay is the largest of the grands crus and is the best growth on the northern slopes of the Montagne de Reims .
30 The vineyards of Verzy lie adjacent to those of Verzenay on the eastern edge of the northern slopes of the Montagne de Reims .
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