Example sentences of "[prep] [art] earlier [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These highly productive farm plots were the economic foundation for the great Aztec Empire and most likely also for the earlier state of Teotihuacan .
2 Hagans solicitor augued there was little evidence for the earlier rape charge , he should be granted bail .
3 Silas introduced them , and in an effort to make amends for the earlier incident on the highway she held out her hand and spoke quietly .
4 The playing certainly reflects the robust freshness of discovery of new music , but the result , curiously , is not as memorable as the London , which , of course , reflects Sir John 's great love for the earlier work .
5 However , if ‘ the offence was substantially a repetition or continuation of an earlier offence ’ and followed conviction for the earlier offence , the penalties were increased substantially .
6 Since the town was expanding at the turn of the century , the population for the earlier time would be a little less .
7 Chris thought that Angela would not aim for the earlier time , she hated early rising .
8 Any spontaneous pull to which he yields ( for example , a proneness due to laziness to exaggerate the difficulty of getting things done in time for the earlier flight ) will merely bias his judgement ; in the pure choice of means you either choose rationally or surrender to the spontaneous .
9 Founded in 1925 , the Review is in many respects a source as appropriate to this phase as the English Association and the Newbolt Committee were for the earlier period .
10 The generally optimistic tenor of this debate provides a revealing comparison with those public views examined for the earlier period .
11 This project involves establishing computer files containing Sri Lankan data from censuses and vital registration for the period 1926-54 and then ( since data for the earlier period have already been computerized ) analyzing the material for the entire period 1900-1954 .
12 Most of the seminal papers which give rise to paradigm shifts , and the creation of new journals to publish new subjects or combinations of subjects , are first published in the core journal set for the earlier research front , and the clusters which define the new research front may not include the journal which first published the paper which led to its inception .
13 These configurations reflected shifting alliances among the various political groups and figures [ for the earlier emergence of likely candidates and their background see p. 38728 ] .
14 Building on his knowledge of the sky gained during the earlier work on meteors , he began in 1955 to memorise the sky seen through binoculars .
15 Israeli forces had also been active in Lebanon during the earlier part of May .
16 The mathematics master obviously intended to make up for his long silence during the earlier part of the term .
17 And the importance of this work , colleagues , will become clearer later in this report , but at this point er , President , I would wish to place on record , although he 's now has to leave er , to catch his plane , the attribute to my friend and colleague , who was here during the earlier part of Congress , as an honoured guest .
18 Having seen the effect of jeep fire-power during the earlier raid , Stirling was convinced that such a massed attack would achieve spectacular results .
19 His decision to do so , however , appears to have been motivated more by his belief that he had been personally insulted by the Spanish during the earlier marriage negotiations and by a romantic desire to restore his sister and brother-in-law to their inheritance than by any wish to display solidarity with the Protestant cause , which was crumbling away before the seemingly irresistible progress of the Hapsburg armies .
20 In an example of the sort of judicial activism traditionally deplored by conservatives , however , the Supreme Court effectively overturned the 1966 legislation by ruling that Tamayo-Reyes had forfeited his right of access to a federal court by failing to outline the essence of his objections during the earlier state court proceedings .
21 Similarly , cross-references which were not satisfied or were found to be ambiguous during the earlier stage of computer processing may need to be corrected or updated .
22 Its leader was George Edwards , a devout Primitive Methodist lay preacher , who had been active during the earlier period of unionization in the 1870s and in brief revivals during the intervening years .
23 As the earlier reference to the Rutli Meadow implied , the lake steamer service provides the simplest and most direct access to this property of the Swiss nation , which has its own jetty .
24 As the earlier quotation from Patrons are people implies , a young person enters the library as an individual , independent person with the right to a full , professional level of service .
25 Whatever the merits of either argument , it is an option used widely throughout the world as the earlier example from petrochemicals showed .
26 These rare but vivid glimpses of the extraordinary variety of life experience among the older generation in the early twentieth century are not only precious in themselves , but suggest the dangers of generalizing about the earlier past to make up for the lost history of ageing .
27 On 10 October , having arranged a meeting , he wrote to me about the earlier essay for which he had already arranged generous advanced payment :
28 In the past , there has been a tendency in the NHS to shift costs from Health Authority to family practitioner committee budgets , through the earlier discharge of patients from hospital , or through restrictions in drug prescribing on hospital discharge .
29 Both families had ties with greater men , who were more concerned with affairs of State , and they were affected by political turmoil , particularly the Stonors , who suffered forfeiture in 1483 for rebelling against Richard III , but both had come through the earlier phase of the dynastic struggle with relatively minor scars .
30 An entry in the school log book after the earlier renovation in 1914 might have been written today .
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