Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] money [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many societies are close to their legal ceilings for commercial money market borrowing .
2 Whereas the massive unemployment which had plagued the interwar period has at least served to keep the lid on money wages , the switch to Keynesian policies , with their emphasis on the objective of maintaining full employment , might open a Pandora 's box of inflationary money wage claims .
3 One possibility is to conduct monetary and budgetary policies in such a way as to maintain a steadily expanding flow of total money expenditure on the products of labour , and so on labour itself .
4 There is scepticism that a return to controlling the growth of broad money supply would work when many of the economic pressures on Britain are external .
5 But that policy has come in for sharp criticism from monetarists who insist that it has fed the rapid expansion of broad money supply , M4 , and inflamed inflationary pressures .
6 It was suggested to us that consumers would benefit from a proliferation of specialised money advice centres , on the lines of the one in Birmingham .
7 And the finest part of the arrangement is this , that the members of this money aristocracy can take the shortest road through the middle of all the labouring districts to their places of business without ever seeing that they are in the midst of the grimy misery that lurks to the right and the left .
8 Under the arrangements first introduced in late 1980 , emphasis is placed on bill dealings as a method of relieving money market shortages and the outright purchase of bills from the discount houses is the most common form of assistance provided .
9 MiniBranch , a new computer-based school banking system , is now available from the Yorkshire Bank to help children acquire a wide range of basic money management skills .
10 Liquidity adjustment can also occur via appropriate buying and selling of these money market instruments , instruments held for this specific purpose , where they can be readily exchanged without significant loss .
11 He was noted for his cruelty during the Vietnam War , while working for the CIA , and is now making a living in the world of international money laundering .
12 It extends the scope of existing money laundering offences to cover the proceeds of other crimes .
13 Let be the planned rate of money supply growth and be the private sector 's expected rate of planned money supply growth , then the standard form for preferences in this game are :
14 The Bank of England acted to keep the cost of overnight money low so as to take pressure off the longer dates , but analysts warned that the authorities would find it difficult to keep this tactic going .
15 At the same time the imbalance between expenditure and revenue has resulted in high interest rates and the deficit has been an engine driving inflation — as the monetisation of government debt is one cause of excessive money supply growth .
16 The three eldest girls , Agnes , Sarah , and Nancy only worked infrequently at pressing , as if perhaps to get some cash for a new dress , or a pair of shoes , but possibly to assist the family in times of particular money shortage .
17 Another key element of any money transmission service is the reconciliation of bank account balances with sales and purchases ledgers to ensure the effective monitoring and management of funds .
18 Hambros ' Eurobond & Money Market Fund ( EMMA ) ( 071–480 5000 ) , which is managed in Guernsey , consists of four money market funds , five Eurobond funds and two managed funds .
19 However there are many passages in the General Theory in which Keynes asserted that , even if a similar reduction in w could be brought about via the route of money wage cuts ( and we have suggested above that money wage cuts will not have this effect ) , workers would be unwilling to allow their money wages to fall .
20 As with all money purchase schemes , the amount of pension you eventually receive will depend on two main factors : the size of the fund you have been able to build up and the fund 's investment performance .
21 And in EastEnders Arthur Fowler had just come out of prison after getting into deep money trouble .
22 In 1971 money growth rose to 113 per cent ; in 1972 to 152 per cent , and the estimated figure for 1973 , before the collapse of the government , was between 450 and 500 per cent .
23 The CAB in the hospital , as well as advising the patients , has allocated time each week to train nursing staff , hospital social workers and occupational therapists in basic money advice .
24 Apart from international money transmission and the provision of credit , banks provide other facilities to assist customers engaged in international trade .
25 ‘ While it is almost inevitable that in any money laundering activity a credit or financial institution will be involved , ’ FRAG says , ‘ there is a much lower probability of an accountant being involved …
26 Japan has done too little , too late about tightening money policy and deflating its financial bubble .
27 In the early 1980s when the policy of overfunding led to persistent money market shortages , the Bank 's bill mountain was criticised from the standpoint that it entailed the Bank acting essentially as a clearing bank , lending to the corporate sector ( albeit indirectly ) via its bill purchases .
28 NICE little earner Macaulay Culkin , probably the richest 12-year-old in the world , hit on another money spinner while making Home Alone II .
29 The survival of international banking and the euro-credit market depends on adequate money market funds in each currency , the alternative for a bank being to purchase foreign exchange with domestic currency and thus incur a potential foreign exchange risk or lend its own domestic currency to overseas borrowers , e.g. Albion Bank lends sterling to overseas customers .
30 From equation ( 7.13 ) it is clear to agents that the price level appropriate to this money stock is P 2 so that , the economy moves to point C , output reverts to y * ; and prices bear the entire brunt of the increase in the money stock .
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