Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] herself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 KIM WILDE : For allowing herself to be subjected to year after year of pathetic changes of image which only serve to make her look uncomfortable , especially the latest one , with the expensive Marilyn Monroe dress , loads of cleavage and sub-Belinda Carlisle rock balladeering .
2 Annoyed at herself for allowing herself to be suckered into that , Paige said nothing .
3 For days he 'd been in the blackest of moods , furious with her for wasting herself on a man old enough to be her father , and even more furious with himself for not having taken her forcefully after that Christmas evening when he 'd known her feelings were as inflamed as his own .
4 AFTER seeing herself in a video , , receptionist at South East regional office at Burston , decided it was time to lose weight .
5 Tracey Cole , 18 , was found in her room at Oxford 's Lady Margaret Hall , after hanging herself with a dressing gown cord .
6 After protecting herself during her travelling years by dressing like a boy , she is temporarily hanging up her hat and exploring her sensual , feminine side .
7 After satisfying herself to that end , she rose presently to give them a chance to be together , and to allow Bishop Jon to awaken without embarrassment .
8 Its real mother will have to be put down after injuring herself during the birth , and the owners fear this could leave the young Arabian horse without the vital care it needs .
9 An elderly woman was rescued by firemen yesterday after locking herself in her home in Topping Close on Hartlepool 's Headland .
10 She had nothing else quite so effective to wear for the other two acts , but this , for her first entrance , for establishing herself as Countess Maritza , did absolutely everything .
11 Francoise has a weakness though — an insatiable appetite for pushing herself to the limits of sporting endeavour in the most stunning natural locations .
12 Once a girl sort of posted herself to me .
13 Doreen continued to hover about them , still chatting with forced brightness , but , instead of allowing herself to be drawn into their banter , Lucy made a start on preparing to leave .
14 Probably it would be far more sensible to insist on being taken home , instead of torturing herself with his company with his nearness like this , but she could n't summon the will to argue it out , as she knew he would .
15 Because Mrs like erm sort of assumes herself to be really fashionable by the things that like up with the fashions or anything and then Mr self important stories of the War .
16 Mrs Burnett seems to have taken marital and maternal duties lightly , and though she did not formally end the marriage until 1898 , from early days she made a practice of absenting herself from her family , often for months on end , travelling in North America and Europe , and spending long periods in England , where she moved in high society and had many literary friends , Henry James and Israel Zangwill [ qq.v. ] among them .
17 Jezrael hated being the only one there who wore a bodysuit but she would have hated more the embarrassment of displaying herself with all her imperfections to the crude and lumpen miners .
18 She had been out of prison for two months and was in the process of re-establishing herself in the outside world .
19 Elise Fox , happily unmarried at thirty-two , was rarely without an escort , but never showed the least sign of tying herself to one man for good .
20 He kept summoning up more strength to attack the ‘ fatal evil of burying herself in the past . ’
21 The shocked priority of examining herself after escaping , literally , from the jaws of death , wore off .
22 There is also the consideration that she seems to be flirting with the possibility of committing herself to re-entering mainstream education locally .
23 Afraid of losing control ; of losing herself in Luke 's power .
24 The simple act of losing herself in a live stage performance seemed impossible , when all she could think of was the sheer heaven of spending time alone with Guy again .
25 Her growing indignation at the way they were discussing her as though she were so much merchandise was abruptly swamped by misery at the thought of giving herself to the man she had dreamed of for years in such a cold-blooded manner .
26 And instead of distancing herself from her subject with the language of ‘ scientific ’ detachment , her message is one of passionate commitment to the primates she has studied for almost the whole of her adult life .
27 And when the satin had been recovered and she had found — after a painful , dry-mouthed fortnight of dosing herself with cheap gin and jumping down the cellar steps whenever Odette was not looking — that she was , miraculously , not pregnant , she had believed her luck to be on the turn .
28 Combining the public relations exercise of showing herself to her people with the need to exhibit her legal powers , she set off on court circuits or justice eyres which inevitably had to include the crime-ridden Borders .
29 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
30 On their third night she ordered him quite roughly to bring his legs closer together and found a way of rubbing herself against his knee while sucking at his neck that made him shudder .
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