Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] pick out " in BNC.

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1 We followed him in silence up a flight of stairs to a corridor too dark for eyes to pick out its furthest point .
2 There was no sign of any devastation or a struggle , except where the pool of light picked out the broken , gutted cat .
3 That same pool of light picked out a half-smoked cigar on the edge of an ashtray , a partly consumed sandwich , and several mugs of cold tea .
4 Shafts of light picked out cones of cigarette smoke .
5 Among particularly serious instances of pollution picked out in the report were the following : , Heavy use of pesticides polluting rivers across the crop growing areas of the Russian republic ; , Untreated industrial effluent from the Volga slowly killing off the marine life of the Caspian Sea ; , High levels of dioxin in mothers ' milk in Moscow ; , The continuing consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident , rendering much of the countryside of the Ukraine and Belorussia uncultivatable ; , Waste from aluminium factories in Uzbekistan , poisoning the land for miles around .
6 I could see them quite clearly , the blue formed of all sorts of colours , like sapphires picked out in the sun 's last rays .
7 The most celebrated of these is the Boston Goddess , a highly detailed representation of the Snake Goddess with details picked out in gold .
8 The walls have been painted a deep coral pink with mouldings picked out in white .
9 But some were painted green , grey , red , yellow or blue , with highlights picked out in contrasting colours ( see left , middle and bottom ) .
10 All these small invertebrates — flying insects trapped in webs by spiders , larvae concealed in bark picked out by woodpeckers , molluscs hidden in mud gathered by wading birds , termites licked up by anteaters — all are harvested with little more than the effort expended by those animals that sip nectar and munch pollen , or gather fruit and chew leaves .
11 Suppose a subject is listening to different sequences of sounds played independently to each ear through a pair of headphones in order to pick out and respond to a particular target sound .
12 This last symbol , however , is much narrower than the pencil lines inserted by Michell to pick out the alignments , and about 0.25 mm is probably nearer the mark for the lower limit of alignment tolerance .
13 It was a handsome building , much embellished by scrollwork picked out in cream , and topped by a tower something between a lighthouse and a campanile on which was displayed in enormous , twinkling light bulbs .
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