Example sentences of "[art] 1970s [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Primary class sizes were much bigger in the 1970s under the last Labour Government .
2 However , they developed a measure of security coordination with non-aligned or pro-Soviet Third World states in the 1970s through the conclusion of bilateral treaties of friendship , cooperation and assistance and through the acquisition of new military facilities overseas .
3 President Reagan , like Margaret Thatcher , was a product of the concern in the 1970s over the economy , big spending programmes , social indiscipline , and , for the USA , military decline .
4 Tolba 's ideas carry echoes of the argument in the 1970s over the New International Economic Order in which the Third World lined up to demand compensation in the form of aid and technology transfers for the ‘ looting ’ of their resources by Western imperialism .
5 Modular degrees were to become more widespread in the 1970s as the colleges of education — including those validated by universities — ; diversified , but some of these substantial programmes introduced by polytechnics and gaining CNAA approval were pioneering new curricular patterns at the undergraduate level .
6 Not far from Heraklion , at Agia Pelagia , the remains of a Minoan settlement were discovered in the 1970s on the edge of a low cliff on the west side of the bay .
7 A prominent example is the research conducted in the 1970s on the development of a new international division of labour .
8 Siegmar Silber corresponded in the 1970s with the family he had stayed with before leaving at the age of eleven to join relatives in the States .
9 However , the UDC is not a bolt from the blue , rather , it is the logical next step in a process which began in the 1970s with the concept of urban aid and of central intervention in local affairs .
10 Child physical abuse emerged dramatically as a major problem in the 1970s with the death of a child as a result of such abuse .
11 These two concerns were brought together during the 1970s with the development of a system for the allocation of resources between regions and districts based upon health indices ( RAWP , see chapter 7 ) .
12 As we have seen , growing dissatisfaction in the 1970s with the arrangements under which public sector higher education was managed and financed led to the establishment , in March 1977 , of the Oakes Committee , under the chairmanship of Gordon Oakes , the then Minister of State at the DES .
13 In Britain , a number of projects developed in the 1970s with the objective of bringing together socialists , trade unionists and community activists .
14 WHO COLLABORATIVE STUDIES — were conducted in the 1970s with the collaboration of health centres in nine developing countries .
15 This momentum throughout the industry was difficult to halt and later in the 1970s with the second oil shock and over capacity of 40 per cent , an added pressure element came from a weak US dollar which allowed relatively cheap American products on to the market on this side of the Atlantic .
16 Further studies were delaying by two years measures to save Lake Ichkeul in Tunisia , which was in danger of being reduced to a salty lagoon after the damming in the 1970s of the six rivers feeding it .
17 The second wave , from the 1970s to the present day , have limited their attention to the question ‘ how effective is a particular program with a particular type of client ? ’
18 However , the needs of the 1970s to the present day have made representation in established and new financial centres absolutely essential .
19 Women and unions : from the 1970s to the 1980s
20 BOAC run its last flying boat to Madeira in 1958 , before the advent of package holidays , although isolated services persisted into the 1970s among the islands of Australasia and the West Indies .
21 This was first bought in the 1970s by the regions , but it has been deployed under sectorisation with singleminded determination to maximise earnings .
22 Phizacklea and Miles warn of the limits of any strategy premised on the assumption ( made in the 1970s by the TUC and the Labour Party ) that ‘ the way to eliminate working-class racism was to provide counter-arguments to common racist beliefs ’ , to push out of workers ' heads an ideological baggage primarily produced by the dominant class and replace it by ‘ the truth ’ .
23 Adversely affected in the 1970s by the United Kingdom 's entry to the European Communities and by fluctuating oil prices , New Zealand declined from a position of having the third highest standard of living ( as measured by per capita GDP ) in 1951 to 15th in 1971 and 23rd by 1991 .
24 It is important at this point to have in view the position reached at the beginning of the 1970s by the validation procedures of the CNAA , the procedures of the colleges and polytechnics themselves , and the issue of institutional ‘ autonomy ’ or ‘ independence ’ .
25 While in 1965 at the Spencer Churchill sale top examples were changing hands for around £600 , and in the 1970s in the low thousands , the prices at the Castle Ashby sale shot up into the hundred thousands for the first time as new collectors , both Greek and American , competed against each other .
26 Chess in Britain and many other parts of the western world experienced a tremendous boom in the 1970s in the wake of Bobby Fischer 's spectacular and controversial success .
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