Example sentences of "[art] significant [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The significant sequel to the collapse of Lord Leverhulme 's schemes in Lewis was the biggest emigration in the history of the Western Isles .
2 The significant exception to this is a regional development grant ( RDG ) .
3 But it is the more routine work they do that really makes the significant contribution to safety in the air , such as the identification of the origin of injuries sustained in survivable accidents which has led to the de-lethalisation of aircraft cockpits and cabins .
4 It recognised the significant contribution to the quality of the environment made by members in the public sector .
5 Most often only the problems of the children were given as the significant handicaps to placement .
6 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the expression ‘ is suffering … significant harm ’ in section 31(2) ( a ) of the Children Act 1989 referred to the point in time immediately before the process of protecting the child began , so that , in determining whether the first threshold condition of section 31(2) was satisfied , the court had to consider the position before the commencement of the voluntary care when the children were with the mother ; that the condition in section 31(2) ( b ) related to care by the parent or carer whose lack of care had caused the significant harm to the child and not to the care which might be given by other carers if no care order were to be made , which only became relevant once the threshold conditions under section 31(2) had been satisfied in deciding whether or not a care order should be made ; and that it could not be said that the family proceedings court had been wrong in concluding , first , that the threshold conditions were satisfied and , secondly , on the evidence , that a care order to the local authority was the appropriate order ( post , pp. 1013H — 1014A , E–F , H — 1015B ) .
7 The point of interest from all of these examples is not only the obvious centrality of blood to Jewish ritual thought and practice , but also the fact that virtually all of the significant references to blood derive from the book of Leviticus and other chronologically allied strands of the Old Testament .
8 Most applications of work design have involved little or no significant changes to organization structure , and have presented few challenges to the traditional role of management .
9 He seems to have been a somewhat slipshod caretaker , complacently assuming that ill-coordinated groups of rebels could pose no significant threat to seasoned English troops .
10 These and other questions on patient expectations showed no significant relation to control .
11 Representative bodies in communist states are commonly depicted as ‘ rubber stamping ’ institutions , meeting infrequently , lacking partisan or factional divisions , producing a small legislative output , presenting no significant challenge to government , and with all important decisions taken by party members subject to party control .
12 No significant additions to IT are envisaged in the foreseeable future but as RBG becomes more independent and estates staff and records increase a review in five years will be essential .
13 There was no significant difference to the manner in which yes and no responses increased over memory set size .
14 There appears to be no significant risk to women who take it for less than five years but the risk does increase slightly between five and ten years , and taking it for more than 15 years gives a higher risk still .
15 ‘ So the current appraisal is that the level of mercury in fish presents no significant risk to consumers . ’
16 We conclude that the CL100 gene and its mouse homologue represent a new subclass of mammalian PTPase in that they show no significant similarity to any human PTPase yet discovered other than the presence of the highly conserved active-site sequence .
17 In a significant concession to the black union movement , the government yesterday granted permission for International Labour Day — 1 May — to be celebrated as a public holiday .
18 This represented a significant concession to the opposition , which had otherwise threatened to boycott the election .
19 The crisis which brought a significant change to American policy in Vietnam came in January 1968 .
20 Delegates made a significant change to the party structure , voting to increase the membership of the central committee from 180 to 193 members .
21 The final paragraph of the article on p. 38898 should have read : " Delegates made a significant change to the party structure , voting to increase the membership of the central committee from 180 to 193 members .
22 The answer , quite simply , is that other port employees are now allocated to dock work , representing a significant change to both working practices and labour utilisation .
23 In a similar manner , it can often help to provide an overview of situations that are being affected by changes , particularly where these changes will cause a significant disturbance to the stability of the existing system .
24 British Telecommunications Plc said yesterday it plans to start selling satellite dishes and receivers by Christmas , making the move since it is one of the few activities it is allowed to pursue in the entertainment arena : ‘ We see it as a very important part of our wish to be part of the converging area of telephony , entertainment and computers , ’ the company told Reuter ; the company will reportedly source the equipment from two unidentified UK companies , in a move that is a significant threat to Amstrad Plc , whose shares fell tuppence to 31p .
25 Even if he had been so inclined it would have been extremely difficult to pursue reforms which posed a significant threat to the interests of the landed nobility .
26 Bertrams ' buyer Mike Butler said the initiative had deeply shocked him , and posed a significant threat to the long-term health of the trade .
27 Political developments in 1990 were dominated by the insurrection launched in October by armed forces of the FPR , which posed a significant threat to the Habyarimana government [ see pp. 37765-66 ; 37950-51 ] .
28 Immunity is acquired slowly and requires exposure over two grazing seasons before a significant resistance to infection develops .
29 It is difficult to know how far they were a significant deterrent to claiming relief , but over the long term there is little to suggest that any parish maintained the lowering of its poor rate which sometimes accompanied the initial operation of a workhouse .
30 ‘ I suspect these high risks are a significant deterrent to new recruits , ’ said Mr Hanley .
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