Example sentences of "[art] right to life " in BNC.

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1 The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and , with due regard to the equal right of life of the mother , guarantees in its laws to respect , and , as far as practicable , by its laws , defend and vindicate that right .
2 THE GREAT modern , moral questions of the right to life and the right to death will dominate what may be a landmark session of the US Supreme Court which begins this week .
4 H.J. McCloskey , whose writings in this area have been influential , misses this analogical nuance , whilst otherwise arguing towards a similar conclusion in his article ‘ The right to life ’ ( 1975 ) :
5 It is the right to life and love .
6 The hon. Gentleman is absolutely right to say that the right to life and to not being molested or attacked is fundamental .
7 Life is more precious than profits , and the right to life is the most precious of all rights .
8 Thousands have been denied the right to life in Northern Ireland and Great Britain as a result of a body of dedicated terrorists seeking to impose their will upon the nation .
9 An amendment which would effectively have outlawed abortion , by extending the provisions of a clause on the right to life to include life from the moment of conception , was defeated .
10 Abortion : the right to life of the child ; the work of the Pro-Life movement , the Innocents Society , S.P.U.C. etc .
11 Lawyers representing relatives of the three victims claim the Government was in breach of the Human Rights Convention , article 2 of which guarantees ‘ the right to life ’ .
12 ‘ It is not possible to draw a line between human and human and say some do and some do not have the right to life , ’ he said .
13 Now then , he argues that since in the state of nature erm the individual has the right to life , liberty and property , he or she also has a right to take such steps are necessary for the protection o o of these rights .
14 Similarly for Locke we 're in this world , sent by God about his business , the business is , in very general terms , to flourish and multiply this means , well that is the reason why we have certain rights , the right to life , the right to liberty , the right to property because if we did n't have these rights we could n't fulfil that obligation .
15 Given its basic anti-absolutist thought that , whether within or without political society , men have a right to life , liberty , and possessions , it can be seen as a kind of picturesque metaphor which , in explaining the structure of legitimate political authority , reveals it to be based in the consent of the governed .
16 The one-day-old normal baby is a potential person with a right to life that very few would deny it .
17 It too , in a sense , is a potential person but it would seem the act of a fanatic to insist that it has a right to life .
18 We might claim , for instance , to have a right to life because we each have an interest in being alive that is of sufficient importance to justify holding others to be under a duty to respect our lives , and the government to be under a corresponding obligation to reinforce that duty by enacting appropriate laws .
19 He may defend himself against attack , for example , cos he has a right to life and he may also defend his neighbours against attack .
20 And worst of all he carried with him the sense that he had no right to life , no more than hundreds or thousands of others , starting with his family , who had not lived .
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