Example sentences of "[art] threat to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A CAMPAIGN warning of the threats to newspapers and magazines from EC restrictions on advertising has been postponed after a pledge from M Jacques Delors , EC President , that ‘ the EC would intervene less and less ’ .
2 The threats to birds are different now , but in their own way more serious , more sinister in their potential effects on bird populations and our own environment .
3 The threats to birds are real .
4 The threats to children to silence colleagues who , far braver than he had ever been , asked the uncomfortable question , or asked any question at all .
5 Recently people have begun to criticize the violence , sexism and racism in many programs , the exploitation of children 's needs by commercials aimed at them , the biased politics of ‘ objective ’ news reporting , and by the threat to cultures in the developing world by the widespread broadcasting of TV programs created for a US audience .
6 Finally , there is a sense in which these two enterprises in London and Edinburgh were perceived as particularly worrying not just because of the social origins of promoters and beneficiaries , or because of the threat to wages , but because they meant bringing women into the work-place .
7 Moreover , the threat to supplies brought the two superpowers closer together .
8 Rothmans ' chairman Lord Swaythling , a Tory Peer , told of the threat to jobs at the company 's Darlington and Spennymoor plants in a letter to Darlington MP Michael Fallon .
9 The threat to warships in the 1980s and beyond lies above all in the accurately guided anti-ship missile launched beyond the range of the ship 's weapons .
10 The NCC survey found that external hacking posed much less of a threat to systems than malicious acts by staff or ex-staff , who were responsible for almost a third of all logical security failures and breaches .
11 The wolves were hunted to extinction in the 1920s , at the request of ranchers who regarded them as a threat to cattle .
12 As long as the Government presses on with privatisation there will be a threat to services and a threat of increased fares .
13 CHEMICALS which have been found in the River Clyde pose a threat to otters all over Britain , the World Wide Fund For Nature warned this week .
14 But the radical life-style of the true Christian is so contrary to the ways of the world that it can not help being a threat to others .
15 In no sense was the new para-professional a threat to teachers , therefore , nor did he detract from or erode the professional autonomy which British teachers enjoy .
16 Nazism is not just a threat to homosexuals , ‘ Lefties ’ and racial minorities , but the very concepts of democracy and freedom and those who believe in them .
17 The decision has caused considerable controversy and been criticized as an excessive response to the problem , but Mayor Jean Baylaucq justified it on the grounds that the bears constituted a threat to animals and humans .
18 The MEPs ' anger focuses on remarks in the Commons by Mr Maude and the drive by the Employment Secretary , Mr Norman Fowler , against the charter as a threat to jobs .
19 I fully agree with the CBI that the directive would be a needless strain on United Kingdom competitiveness , and a threat to jobs and earnings .
20 The dispute centred on proposals involving the closure of lead-zinc mines , posing a threat to jobs .
21 But Mr Alan Milburn , Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for the town , said he was ‘ sick and tired of scare stories about a threat to jobs at the factory . ’
22 They are a menace to farm animals and a threat to children .
23 needless to say , was with the welfare feminists , viewing women workers as a threat to men 's jobs and the male family wage — not to mention the sexual division of labour under capitalism .
24 Ryan 's final chapters show that progress in this field will not so much be a threat to novelists , as a potentially rewarding challenge for narratologists .
25 The Universal card is such a threat to banks because , unlike Sears ' six-year-old Discover card , it has been linked to the Visa and MasterCard networks from the outset .
26 Conservationists argue that they are far less of a threat to stocks of fish such as salmon than water diversion schemes and bad logging practices .
27 But enhanced National Savings rates will be a threat to societies ' cashflows and any upturn in the housing market will exacerbate it .
28 Ali had attacked the British bases in Iraq , and so created a threat to pipelines and oilfields vital to the Allied cause .
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