Example sentences of "[art] slightly [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was found that one additional car was required on route 42 , to cover the slightly extended journey time .
2 In some cases , such as the Hermitage 's ‘ Hebe ’ ( 1805 ) , Canova employed touches of colour , either directly through the introduction of the gilt bronze ewer and cup , or suggestively by the slightly mellowed surface of the flesh ( a yellow tinge which has now disappeared ) .
3 He looked up and stared at his audience with the slightly accusing look he used for classes of students .
4 He strode on ahead of her , rather than waiting for her to join him as he would normally have done , and the slightly calculated rudeness had her frowning as she followed him into his office .
5 From the first-floor accommodation of the main block , and to the front of a brick-built hearth serving the new chimney flue , the slightly raised floor of the Victorian extension , reached via a pair of steps and through double doors , provided the site for the drawing-room .
6 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
7 On Monday morning he drove the car to work so that he could show his colleagues the slightly dented bumper .
8 the slightly foreshortened cockpit is a little less sumptuous than the newly-furnished cabin .
9 The brilliant bravura variation when Kitri springs lightly forwards sur les pointes whilst fanning herself and Basil attempts to make his zapateado ( heel-tapping ) appear authentic by the slightly crouching pose of his body , add even greater panache to their efforts .
10 Dalziel 's gaze wandered suspiciously round the room as if seeking signs ‘ that someone had had the effrontery to deface the slightly peeling wall with festive decoration .
11 But he was an odd product of that establishment , having none of the slightly dégagé elegance and ironic detachment which characterised its alumni .
12 ‘ This is a promise that God gave to Abraham , ’ North said Reagan had told him , in the slightly hectoring tone he always had in the North dreams ; ‘ Who am I to say that we should not do this ? ’
13 So this was Inez , the femme fatale of the Glynn brothers : her features were patrician : a long , slender neck , pouting , sensuous lips , a slightly aquiline nose and sloping forehead — a model for an Egyptian tomb-painting or limestone relief .
14 Toshack has wasted no time in putting his stamp on the side , moving the West German midfielder Bernd Schuster to libero , Michel from the right flank to central midfield , and giving the striker Emilio Butragueno a slightly withdrawn role .
15 ‘ Good evening , Mr G … ’ she began to reply , but his glance was already away from her shoes , and he was giving her a slightly raised eyebrow look .
16 I next attempted the third side to the pond , this part being on a slightly raised level to the pond itself .
17 Blood tests were normal with the exception of a slightly raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate .
18 The tribunals sit in public and , for this reason , the members may sit on a slightly raised dais .
19 Death of father was unrelated to adult depression , although separation from father was associated with a slightly raised risk of depression .
20 A repeated Barium swallow showed almost complete disappearance of the tumour ; only a slightly narrowed segment with a length of 2 cm remained at the level of the carina ( Figs 6 and 7 ) .
21 There are also some ditched enclosures which obviously represent property boundaries ; of most interest in this respect is a slightly meandering ditch , which appears to have acted as a southern limit for the suburb in the middle of the third century .
22 The following demonstration compares a stall with a little too much rudder to a stall in a slightly slipping turn , and shows how even slightly too much rudder has a significant effect at the stall .
23 After getting back into the accurate turn as before , apply a very small amount of opposite rudder to create a slightly slipping turn and try the stall again .
24 The 5- and 6-string models in the range have a slightly extended scale length of 35″ to help the response of the low ‘ B ’ by increasing string tension .
25 That was the way he enjoyed talking about sex , a slightly diluted form of the conversations that were so much part of his connections with the Orton-Halliwell set .
26 Zoe greeted her arrival with a slightly harassed look .
27 Captain Montgomery was a tall , burly character with a jutting black beard , white teeth , a slightly hooked nose and humorous eyes and , in spite of the immaculately cut uniform and four golden rings on either cuff , could easily have passed for a well-to-do and genial eighteenth-century Caribbean pirate .
28 Anything less than a straight A disappointed me , and even when I had clearly gained the best grade in the class — a slightly alleviating factor-I still told myself that it was n't good enough .
29 This will mean you have to steer a slightly bowed course to discourage others from passing to windward .
30 The tap was joined to a slightly bent length of pipe which appeared from a wall seemingly composed of tightly compressed paper .
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