Example sentences of "[art] matter [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her eldest son , Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , was fifty-nine years of age , and as he had travelled extensively , as the Prince of Wales , in Europe , Canada , U.S.A. and India , also Palestine , Turkey , Egypt and Russia , he was much practised in the matters of state , His wife , Alexandra , was of considerable help to him and during his reign as King there sprang up , in 1904 , the ‘ Entente Cordiale ’ between Britain and France , probably arising from his visit to Paris in May 1903 .
2 I mean I notice you picked one of the matters of expenditure which is not the certainly in the higher range of of expenditure and pick out this one example .
3 The matters of law and order and drugs must be properly dealt with before they take place
4 Paragraphs 1 , 2 , 3 and 8 corresponded to the headings and description of the matters of complaint originally contained in paragraphs 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 of Part II to Schedule 12 .
5 Thus , both before and after amendment the matters of complaint in Schedule 12 embraced some only of the services a society was authorised to provide and omitted both surveys and valuations of land and land services .
6 Their exclusive claim to punish clergymen for ordinary offences has long since disappeared ; the power to try and punish laymen for immorality has become practically obsolete ; their jurisdiction over the matters of ritual , and ecclesiastical offences of clergymen , such as heresy , still remains and is still exercised by them .
7 Only about one teacher in three had any kind of supervision in the matters of planning or record keeping .
8 The matters for discussion are s spelt out but just so that you 're under no illusions to what we are aiming to talk about , first issue , first matter is is the proposed provision and distribution of employment land for district councils and Greater York , the reason bearing in mind the need to provide sufficient land for employment in appropriate locations and the second matter is what effect if any will the proposed scale on provision have on adjoining areas in West Yorkshire .
9 Although the taking of professional advice is a material circumstance , the substantial cause of the failure to comply with the statutory time limit is one of the matters for investigation .
10 The Bank is also concerned that disclosure of such information , where the matters at issue are not yet proved , could have a negative effect upon the [ defendants ] .
11 So the those are the issues , the factual issues of the matters at issue .
12 Much of each judgment was taken up with painstaking reviews of the historical and social context of the advertisement 's publication , with the syntactical features of the sentence and its relationship to the rest of the advertisement , and with the undeniable fact that indeed there was considerable ‘ evidence ’ about the matters at hand at the time of the advertisement 's publication .
13 Personal involvement was implicit in the tone and the procedures involved : the matters under consideration were treated as if they did matter ; epochs and makers of epochs were sharply characterized and subjected to urgent evaluation .
14 The secret protocols under which these republics had been incorporated into the USSR were finally published in the Baltic press in August 1988 and in the national press the following year , but the matters under dispute widened into a challenge to the established relationship between the USSR as a whole and its constituent republics .
15 The MPs called for a full report from the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate on both bids ; a detailed list of all the matters under review ; precise statements on the terms of reference of the Rosyth review and on the relative weight to be placed on capital and current costs in the multi-million bids ; and the social and economic effects of run-down on employment in Rosyth and Devonport .
16 That the king yielded to the resulting complaints of the clergy as far as he did might be explained by his preoccupations in Paris when he could hardly afford serious embarrassment at home ; yet it seems more likely that he recognized the powerful tradition by which the matters in conflict were long deemed to have belonged rightfully to the church .
17 ‘ But I think it highly unlikely that Mr Clowes could have found any means of ensuring that investigation of the matters in question was averted , while at the same time satisfying the Department that his operations could properly be licensed .
18 The Court did not see why the plaintiff should be excluded from testing the validity of this approach because the matters in question were liable to attack under other information-gathering powers in the Taxes Act .
19 Mr. Tecks submitted that the European Court of Justice authorities , cited below , show that the crucial words refer to obligations which have their basis in contract or in a closely similar nexus such as that existing between an association and its members , so that the matters in question must be contractual or closely akin to contractual .
20 How easily they could have tried to solve their problems about law keeping , Spirit possession , circumcision , law and grace by inventing ‘ words of Jesus ’ to settle the matters in question .
21 What now needs to be established , in accordance with our usual policy , is whether the proposal raises issues of more than local importance or whether the matters in question justify a departure from the policy that matters of local importance should be dealt with by local authorities .
22 ( 2 ) Subject to para ( 3 ) ( below ) , the parties must make discovery by serving lists of documents and ; ( a ) subject to sub-para ( c ) , each party must make and serve on every other party a list of documents which are or have been in his possession , custody or power relating to any matter in question between them in the action ; ( b ) the court may , on application ; ( i ) order that discovery under this paragraph shall be limited to such documents or classes of documents only , or as to such only of the matters in question , as may be specified in the order , or ( ii ) if satisfied that discovery by all or any of the parties is not necessary , order that there shall be no discovery of documents by any or all of the parties ; and the court shall make such an order if and so far as it is of opinion that discovery is not necessary either for disposing fairly of the action or for saving costs ; ( c ) where liability is admitted or in an action for personal injuries arising out of a road accident , discovery shall be limited to disclosure of any documents relating to the amount of damages ; ( d ) the provisions of Ord 14 of these rules relating to inspection of documents shall apply where discovery is made under this paragraph as it applies where discovery is made under that Order .
23 The first relates to the power of the court : in appeal proceedings the court has the power to substitute its decision on the matters in issue for that of the body appealed from .
24 If any of the matters in issue have to be decided again , this must be done by the original deciding authority and not by the supervising court .
25 If the authority was under a duty to make a decision on the matters in issue between the parties , this duty will revive when the decision is quashed and it will then be for the authority to make a fresh decision .
26 that I would also put it on in relation to your , to , to , to , to , to your Lordship and to considering the matter in interim , your Lordship has er , erm , er heard er the information that had been put forward er by the society , you have seen the er information about the position the commission has taken , your Lordship knows that the commission was informed about both the act and all the relevant byelaws in the present case , the precursored , the central fund byelaw was informally proved by the commission Mrs has sworn on affidavit that the society has never been given any indication that the matters in issue in the European Law Defence are contrary to competition rules and your Lordship also has the answer by the commission to the European parliament which is exhibited to Mrs affidavit and which I took your Lordship to earlier and of which judicial note can be taken by virtual section three , two of the European communities act , so my Lord we say that there is already a body of information which provides a basis if one has to consider what should be done in the interim of saying that in the interim the application of the act and the application for byelaws should be maintained , the third element my Lord is the intimate link between the recoveries of money for the central fund , er under the byelaw and the implementation of the United Kingdom 's operations under directive seventy three , two , three , nine , we 've been over this before my Lord erm , my Lord is , is aware of the intimate link er between the er recovery of monies to central fund , the maintenance solvency and the paying of policy holders .
27 Evidence was relevant if it was in some way logically connected with the matters in dispute or if it was consistent with , or inconsistent with , or gave rise to a logical inference from , the facts in issue .
28 It also provided that divorce proceedings should be instituted when all the matters in dispute were to be finally settled between the parties in the context of the court proceedings .
29 Fourteen days after a Proof has been allowed , each party is required to intimate to his opponents a list of documents which are or have been in his possession relating to the matters in dispute in the action .
30 The intention is thus to narrow the matters in dispute between the parties so far as possible and , in theory at least , to give both parties advance notice of what the other case is .
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