Example sentences of "[art] right to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the Government introduces blanket laws to prevent all-night parties it will be making an ominous step towards removing the right to freedom of association .
2 ‘ Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home and his correspondence ’ ( Article 8 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion ’ ( Article 9 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of expression ’ ( Article 10 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others ’ ( Article 11 ) .
3 ‘ Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home and his correspondence ’ ( Article 8 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion ’ ( Article 9 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of expression ’ ( Article 10 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others ’ ( Article 11 ) .
4 ‘ Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home and his correspondence ’ ( Article 8 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion ’ ( Article 9 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of expression ’ ( Article 10 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others ’ ( Article 11 ) .
5 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression .
6 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others , including the right to join trade unions for the protection of his interests .
7 The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms , to which the United Kingdom is signatory , enshrines the right to freedom of expression , but acknowledges the extent to which its exercise carries with it duties and responsibilities , including the ‘ prevention of disorder and crime ’ and the ‘ protection of health or morals ’ .
8 Article 9 , for example , after declaring the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion , goes on to state that :
9 The Right to Freedom from Discrimination
10 Conscientious objection to military service is recognised by the United Nations as a legitimate exercise of the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion .
11 Policies pursued by the government of President Zia ( 1977 to 1988 ) and the present government of Nawaz Sharif , in office since November 1990 , have violated the right to freedom of religion , particularly for the Ahmadis of Pakistan .
12 All viewers have the right to freedom of expression regarding television channels whether these are publicly or privately owned , regional , national or transnational .
13 It takes its name from Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights : ‘ Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression ’ .
14 Respect for racial and cultural identity , the right to freedom of expression and the upholding of human dignity are vital elements of many of WACC 's activities .
15 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression …
16 Both however , belong to generations that discussed ‘ the press ’ or ‘ information ’ , and ‘ the means of information and opinion ’ with reference to 1631 , to 1789 or to 1881 … in terms , that is , either of control by the executive ( Monarch , Emperor , President of the Republic , etc. and their governments ) , or else with reference to the right to freedom of speech and of information , to the diversity of the means of expression , to pluralism .
17 ( 1 ) Whether , apart from arguments based on the right to freedom of expression , a non-trading corporation has a sufficient reputation to sustain an action for libel even though it can establish no actual financial loss .
18 The arguments before us ranged far and wide , as they did before the judge , but in the end they resolved into the following issues which I propose to consider seriatim. ( 1 ) Can a non-trading corporation sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation when no actual financial loss is pleaded or established ? ( 2 ) Does the right to freedom of expression affect the position where the non-trading corporation is also a public authority ? ( 3 ) Does the operation of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 , or any other matter contained in or omitted from the council 's statement of claim , preclude the council from continuing with this action ?
19 It is to be observed that in the Bognor Regis case Browne J. did not consider whether his decision had any effect on the right to freedom of expression , doubtless because the point was not taken before him by the defendant , who appeared in person .
20 But in so far as his criticism is based on the right to freedom of expression and its particular relevance where a local or central government authority is concerned , I consider that aspect in the next section of this judgment .
21 ( 2 ) The right to freedom of expression
22 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression .
23 Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression ; this right shall include freedom to seek , receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds … 3 .
24 The exercise of the right to freedom of expression under article 10 may be subject to restrictions ( as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society ) in relation to certain prescribed matters , which include ‘ the interests of national security ’ and ‘ preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence . ’
25 Nevertheless , since it states the right to freedom of expression and the qualifications to that right in precise terms , it will be convenient to consider the question by reference to article 10 alone .
26 Thus article 10 requires a balancing exercise to be conducted : the balance in this case is between the right to freedom of expression and such restrictions as are necessary in a democratic society for the protection of the reputation of a non-trading corporation which is also a public authority .
27 Accordingly , in my judgment , the right to freedom of expression does affect the position where the non-trading corporation is a public authority .
28 The exercise of the right to freedom of expression under article 10 may be subject to restrictions ( as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society ) in relation to certain prescribed matters , which include ‘ the interests of national security ’ and ‘ preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence . ’
29 Everyone has the right to freedom of expression .
30 For these reasons , it is possible to hope that the House of Lords might , if called upon to do so , reconsider the decision in a way that makes it plain that the right to freedom of speech in public is not wholly dependent upon the discretion of the policeman on the spot — important though that will undoubtedly always be — but is guided by rules and principles that recognise , inter alia the importance of freedom of speech in public , and the fact that the person interfered with was going about his otherwise lawful business .
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