Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] imposed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can think of no more deadly combination than the disciplines imposed on us by ERM and Labour 's taste for economic debauchery .
2 As Patricia Tsurumi has commented , the evidence indicates that Koreans embraced the educational opportunities afforded by the Japanese as a means of aiding the future development of their country in the hope that the shackles imposed by Japan could later be discarded : it was a more subtle way of manifesting Korean nationalism .
3 He also held , dubiously , that were it not for the corruptions imposed by state and law , men would develop bonds of instinctive solidarity which would make government unnecessary .
4 The Renaissance State consisted , at bottom , of an ever-expanding bureaucracy which , although at first a working bureaucracy , had by the end of the sixteenth century become a parasitic bureaucracy ; and this ever expanding bureaucracy was sustained on an equally expanding margin of ‘ waste ’ : ‘ waste ’ which lay between the taxes imposed on the subjects and the revenue collected by the Crown .
5 The present Conservative government 's proposals are to reduce , not increase , the taxes imposed on the incomes of the population of working age .
6 Whether managers lower down the hierarchy pursue the profit goal depends in large part on organisational structure and the values imposed from above , though this is not to underestimate the problems of organisational design or the difficulties involved in ensuring compliance with those values .
7 The raising of revenue by local authorities has generated a lot of litigation in the last decade as rate-capped and community charge-capped authorities have sought to challenge the legality of the caps imposed by central government .
8 Even among the great majority of youth who bowed more readily ( or with forced conformity ) to the demands imposed on them in wartime conditions , the ‘ führer myth ’ was losing its potency .
9 He added that the demands imposed on teachers by the National Curriculum often meant there was not enough time for cycling lessons , but many of the town 's primary schools were involved .
10 But in respect of specific works , the listener 's role is to measure up to the demands imposed by the work itself , to comprehend what is already present .
11 There are always conflicts between the demands imposed by the several disciplines .
12 Neither the use of different rhetorical systems nor the genesis of mutual opacity to understand can explain the force and indeed the extravagant character of the attributions imposed upon disenchanted and rebellious schoolchildren and rumbustious football fans .
13 But the quotas imposed by the United States and Britain — a thousand to each country — fell a long way short of Eichmann 's target of clearing another 45,000 Jews from Vienna , at least a third of them children , within six months .
14 We want the E E C to enforce laws at least along the lines imposed by the U S A after the Exxon Valdez disaster .
15 ‘ [ Counsel ] accepted that the obligations imposed on the United Kingdom by the Convention are relevant sources of public policy where the common law is uncertain .
16 As a cyclist who regularly uses rail to travel longer distances , I am concerned that the proposals to privatise BR should lay down the right conditions for operators from the outset and that any legislation involving the obligations imposed on operators should specifically mention the interests of cyclists .
17 These are the conditions which distinguish a legal order : ‘ rules not secret or retrospective , no obligations save those imposed by law , all associates equally and without exception subject to the obligations imposed by law . ’
18 They shared the rights and the obligations imposed by the terms of their occupation .
19 Kuusinen quoted to them the obligations imposed by the Whitsun Conference decision : We propose that the following questions be raised for discussion in all the organisations of the ILP. ( l ) What concrete mass actions on the basis of the united front of the C.P.G.B. and the ILP can and must be carried out in the near future with the aim of a successful struggle for a 10% wage increase , against the Means Test , and other similar partial demands advanced by the C.P.G.B. and the ILP ? ( 2 ) Is it desirable for the ILP to join the Communist International as a Party sympathising with Communism with the right to a consultative vote … ?
20 Competition for space , often in nearby areas , was dramatized by the arrival of large numbers of immigrants seeking to enter the country before the barriers imposed by the 1962 Commonwealth Immigrants Act …
21 Mikhail Budyko , the most revered figure of Soviet climatology , has never been noted as a cold war warrior , but he has always been aware of the limitations imposed on the Soviet Union by its climate .
22 Like all sciences , feng shui is an expedient of civilization , a technique for reconciling human nature to the limitations imposed on it by settlement .
23 It is understood that the police thoroughly investigated the shooting at Tully-West within the limitations imposed on them .
24 Whatever their private opinions , the liberals were willing to establish catholicism as the sole religion of Spain , to make heresy a crime , to allow episcopal censorship of religious works ; as Larra was to observe , it was a one-legged freedom that permitted only ‘ political ’ discussion and it shows the limitations imposed on liberalism by fear of the Church .
25 He further contends by ground ( 2 ) of his notice of appeal that the failure of the judge to perceive the limitations imposed on her discretion in the context of the Convention led her to reject the proposition that the elements necessary to the exercise of that discretion have to exist within the framework laid down by the Convention itself .
26 Indeed , it should be emphasized that Picasso had been dissatisfied with the limitations imposed on pictorial volumes by a scientific or linear system of perspective for some time before he became aware of the fact that Cézanne 's painting suggested a new concept of form and space .
27 I used the PCW version and found little at fault , except , that the limitations imposed upon it by the hardware made it slow to operate .
28 Within the limitations imposed by the ‘ fixed ’ factors , you have a wide choice before you .
29 He produced his final design in August 1855 , which Hammond later said was excellent , within the limitations imposed by the site .
30 Shares have a distinct legal status reflected ( inter alia ) in the limitations imposed by companies legislation on the circumstances in which payments may be made in respect of them .
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