Example sentences of "[art] [det] hotel [conj] " in BNC.

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1 please would you tell Bill I will not be staying at the same hotel as the owners , and that I will again not be going to the president 's lunch , but that I will be at the races , even if he does n't see me . ’
2 I had decided not to stay in the same hotel as any of the groups of owners , actors , racegoers or crew , and asked Nell if she knew of anywhere else .
3 Even with regard to this episode Margaret showed a sisterly loyalty : I am told that when she and Ivy found themselves staying at the same hotel as Cecilia Ady , Eleanor Jourdain 's chief opponent , ‘ there was a marked coldness ’ .
4 I 've yet to see a lovable moptop Inspiral Carpet in the flesh , but obviously they 're on the verge of making it here when they 're staying in the same hotel as Bruce Dickinson out of Iron Maiden .
5 WE had nearly all of the travelling world rugby media staying at the same hotel as the Wallabies and decisions had to be made ’ , he said .
6 I 'm at the same hotel as we stayed at last time-but it 's not the same without you and Rosie .
7 He did , together with Lou and Pat , staying at the same hotel as the newlyweds .
8 yeah — i talk to him the next time i see him ; - ) ( joke ! — well i stayed at the same hotel as the norw. players before our game against england and actually talked to a couple of players … the next time i will have a chat with leeds-fan rekdal ; - ) i will however forward your wishes of luck if/when i write to the supporters club .
9 Two nights later , Derek was having a drink in the same hotel when the same person approached him accompanied by a second man who gave his name as Alexander Atkins .
10 We were having tea at the same hotel when Mrs Harvey came in , with another old dear .
11 They tell such horror stories as GE putting up sales teams from competing suppliers in the same hotel and then moving from room to room asking each supplier to think about reducing its bid for the contract .
12 Oh yes , it 's in Scotland , you see , and whilst there , you see , every day er because a lady laughed at me and she said , she was staying in the same hotel and she said er I , I used to book up in advance of course but never took a chance .
13 We 're staying at the same hotel and sharing the same table , you see .
14 Nurse-maids with their children were a common sight but as yet there were a few hotels and most visitors took ‘ rooms ’ with the local inhabitants who cooked the food which their guests bought at local shops .
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