Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] himself " in BNC.

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1 So thick had the mist become that he had almost lost his way and hoping to hear the call of one of the animals to orientate himself had heard an eagle 's call and one he knew well .
2 In its original meaning çift referred to the smallest unit of land which could support a family , and in the early days of the timar system the çift was the core holding which the timarli farmed himself for the benefit of his own family .
3 There he sat down with the guards keeping himself warm by the fire .
4 The Seventh , however , is reined back to the point of stodginess , at least until the white-hot finale and even there one of the trumpets forgets himself in the last three bars .
5 The hijacker threatened to use the grenades to kill himself and all 80 passengers and crew unless he was taken to New York .
6 The initial experience for any child is just to play with the pieces to familiarise himself with them all and this often takes the form of picture and pattern making — similar to the early use of the other structured apparatus .
7 In verse 27 we read ‘ And beginning at Moses and all the prophets , he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself . ’
8 His teaching after the resurrection , when " beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself " , was the climax of what he had been teaching them through the years of his ministry .
9 " Beginning with Moses and all the prophets , he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself . "
10 Born Jan Ludwig Hoch , the son of a Czech labourer , Robert Maxwell escaped the Nazis to distinguish himself in the British Army .
11 Before he concentrated on the actual scene of the crime , Dalgliesh always liked to make a cursory survey of the surroundings to orientate himself , and , as it were , to set the scene of murder .
12 In agreement with the judge we thus conclude that as a matter of substance and reality each of the two parties to the agreements placed himself or herself under merely individual obligations …
13 After a few minutes one of the men detached himself from the group and walked after Fred at a smart pace .
14 He 'd strangled two children with his bare hands , then called the police to give himself up .
15 He left notes after the killings signing himself ‘ Son-of-Sam , ’ so that the killings became known as the ‘ Son-of-Sam ’ murders .
16 The President was amused , conceding that not much cricket or rugby was played in the United States , but as a sports fan himself he understood — especially as a Southerner , aware of the significance of sport in the Deep South , and of the fact that I came from an ever Deeper South than he did …
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