Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] policy " in BNC.

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1 These initial submissions were considered by the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee .
2 If a centre has a Validation Procedures Agreement with the Council the progress of its submissions after their approval by the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee is as prescribed by that agreement .
3 At Council organised validation events the validation panel membership was approved by the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee and typically it consisted of :
4 The details of the transition were agreed by the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee which has responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the Development Programme .
5 5.1 In considering the rate at which course proposals can be validated , the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee recognised that there would have to be a range of validation models , each of which will be tailored to the course and the centre .
6 What we have in terms of the advice for the open countryside outside the areas that would normally be looked at and allocated for development is the rural exceptions policy that forms part of P P G three .
7 An application for social work department funding has been turned down , and although staff are still negotiating with the health board and the social services policy committee , the outlook seems bleak .
8 The state and private education : a study of the Assisted Places Policy
9 The Countryside Commission , which replaced the National Parks Commission in 1968 , established the National Parks Policies Review Committee to examine the policies in operation , and their 1977 Sandford Report stated the aims of national park policies as being the preservation and enhancement of natural beauty , and the provision of access and facilities for enjoyment by the public .
10 Thank goodness , the current pensions policy is improving the position : many more people will retire with second pensions .
11 Now the the problem with the dealing with I I suspect with the major exceptions policy is that if you had it could you move fast enough in order to cope with that sort of animal appearing on your horizon which you wanted to capture .
12 Since the department since the regional office has been suggesting for some time , or throughout the entire process of this structure plan alteration , that erm an exceptions policy should be considered by the erm county council , I think it would be consistent that we would anticipate the panel could reach a conclusion on the inclusion of the major exceptions policy as part of this alteration .
13 Despite the equal opportunities policies of major broadcasters , there are no effective steps being taken by the industry to remedy this situation , nor possibly any significant recognition of a need to do so .
14 As more of us activists with disabilities benefited from the equal opportunities policies of the GLC and other local authorities by getting jobs with them , our activities in the Liberation Network and in SAD diminished .
15 I work for Team Sport Scotland and part of my reignement is erm coordinator for women and girl 's football and I find that with the equal opportunities policies of many of the education regions now that more football is being played in primary and in secondary school and the district councils I go to visit I would say that the majority of them are definitely wanting to put money into promoting girl 's and women 's football .
16 Gerry , Ahmed and Amitha work for the co-ordinating body of a voluntary advice organization , where they have been centrally involved on the Equal Opportunities Policy Working Party .
17 Amitha : It was the Equal Opportunities Policy which cut through all the contradictions .
18 It seemed that the men were welshing on the Equal Opportunities policy so as to make the paper more attractive to investors .
19 We do have strategies that can be used — from advising the students with learning difficulties to ignore insults , to implementing the equal opportunities policy which finds such discrimination to be indefensible .
20 To support the equal opportunities policy and to ensure panel members are equipped to select the best candidates for CA posts
21 To support the equal opportunities policy and ensure that staff are equipped to develop anti-racist practices in their work
22 To support the equal opportunities policy and to encourage good practice in aid work
23 It is surprising that New Scientist should have convinced itself that the nuclear weapons policy of the SDP is ‘ indistinguishable ’ from that of the government .
24 The first was that the informal wages policy arranged by Bevin had been successful in stemming wartime inflation , and it was assumed this could be continued in peacetime .
25 The research will seek to identify the key ‘ actors ’ and issues in the developing telecommunications policy process in an effort to compare policy developments in both countries .
26 Erm however we would wish to see that policy complemented by the inclusion of the strategic exceptions policy erm and we know that I know that 's to be discussed tomorrow but I will mention now that I think it would have been much more useful to the discussion if we 'd have been able to discuss the strategic sites issue as part of this debate .
27 Inside Cabinet , he had played that role , with the required public discretion , to argue the case for council house sales , industrial competition , and the inner cities policy .
28 Users are required to adhere to all legal requirements , contractual licences and agreements approved by the Senate , the Educational Services Policy and Planning Committee , the Computer Policy and Planning Committee or the Director of Computer Services in relation to the protection of data , software and network access or usage .
29 If we had stuck with the fair rates policy the vast majority of people in Britain might have been able to bear that price and public services would remain public services , not sacrificial lambs on the altar of the ideology of the Conservative party .
30 The provisions were incorporated in the act to prevent Spanish trawlers joining the UK shipping register and freely exploiting the fishing quotas which have been allocated to Britain each year since 1983 under the Common Fisheries Policy .
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