Example sentences of "[art] [noun] left for " in BNC.

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1 The Prince left for Brussels an hour and a half later , his carriage escorted by an honour guard of Dutch Carabiniers who had learned their trade in the French Emperor 's service .
2 Early in 1826 Hoyle wrote again to the Goldsmiths about the School , " setting forth the scantiness of its yearly funds and alluding to various repairs and expenses which have been occasionally borne at his charges , amounting to about £130 , and … the Wardens are satisfied that a very considerable increase has taken place in the Rents of the estates left for the Endowment of the School , affording means to the Company for extending the benefits of the institution " .
3 It is this feature which lends plausibility to the suggestion that the pictures , fitted into the recesses left for them , were not to be enjoyed as objects for themselves but as part of the grand architectural design of the two rooms .
4 The net prevailed , and the heron left for easier pickings .
5 Then I laid a paler colour into the gaps left for the highlights and took it back over the previous work as well to unify the colour .
6 After I had arranged to meet Jack on the following Wednesday , the Masons left for home , and I had an early dinner with my parents .
7 After several postponements and days of waiting , the Battalion left for Belgium , the 48th Division congratulated by General Viscount Gort , C in C of the BEF , on their good traffic discipline .
8 She sorted out the in-tray left for her by Miss Coldharbour : audio tapes for Canon Wheeler , drafts for Miss Coldharbour and a plain manilla folder marked ‘ urgent ’ .
9 When the last shot had been fired and the troops left for the United States , many GIs turned up at embarkation points with loyal canine friends concealed in their kit bags .
10 But today belonged to the Buccaneers — with a final cheer as the planes left for the last time .
11 Huddersfield won the Charity Shield , beating the new champions Liverpool at Old Trafford , and in the last week of May the team left for a tour of Denmark .
12 The final meeting before the team left for Rome was at Crystal Palace .
13 On the very morning after his arrival in the Scottish capital the Duke left for Stirling , where the castle was proving too hard a nut for the Jacobites to crack , and , several hundred men having been lost to no purpose , the siege was finally , soon after the Battle of Falkirk , abandoned , Lord George Murray and other senior commanders having persuaded the prince , much against his will — ‘ Good God !
14 The aluminium sulphate was added to the ‘ contact tank ’ , a bad place because it was the last stage in the treatment process before the water left for the town .
15 We 've got we 've got the rest left for use on a Wednesday then
16 ‘ In fact , just before the King left for Kinghorn , he instructed me to order Father John not to go but stay at the castle till he returned .
17 The Court left for supper at eleven o'clock and at midnight the Emperor and the Empress retired , leaving their guests to continue the ball .
18 An eerie silence descended over the house as the lorry left for the next house .
19 The following morning , just before the father left for his beastly second-hand car garage , Matilda slipped into the cloakroom and got hold of the hat he wore each day to work .
20 It will take up room on the stairs , so remember that the space left for other people using the stairs will be less .
21 This is the space left for the pharmacy 's stamp , so that the pricing authority knows who to pay and who to address any queries to .
22 As to the amount left for food and clothing after rent and a more flexible sum for heat had been deducted , wives tended to act as the buffer against the needs of husbands and to a lesser extent children .
23 Gatting made the point that they had to win the final two games as after so much cricket they simply did not have the strength left for a third .
24 An old lady descends from the black branches of the fire escape every morning and wearily gathers it all up and clambers home with it in paper bags : the food left for her by the birds .
25 But there was one , remarkable throw of the dice left for England and how the 4,000 crowd loved it .
26 A taxi was called and Hugo and the children left for Liverpool Street and I was left alone with my own thoughts , in a state of mind I could only describe as lustless .
27 Following a reception for 80 guests at All Saints ' Hall , Alton the couple left for their honeymoon in Margate .
28 After a reception at The Swan Hotel , Alton , the couple left for their honeymoon in Florida , the bride wearing a floral dress with gold jacket and flower from the veil in her hair .
29 After champagne , a buffet meal and the speeches , a jazz band played through the evening and the couple left for a Caribbean honeymoon in Grenada and St Lucia .
30 This will be insufficient to meet the cost of the Bishopsgate bomb , and although the industry itself will meet ten per cent of the excess reinsurance costs , the balance left for the government could be as much as £200m .
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