Example sentences of "[art] [adv] bad time " in BNC.

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1 Mark prays to God at all the really bad times .
2 He no longer believes in God but at the really bad times he still prays .
3 The very worst time came when Mother really took ill .
4 He threw one the very worst time , up on top of the wall , and the other kids all shunned away .
5 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s .
6 The very worst time to take out a bond is when rates are low but then rise dramatically and unexpectedly , as they did at the end of the 1980s
7 As he passed again on the other side of the road on his way back forty minutes later he was caught up in the very worst time of day for traffic .
8 ‘ She had a really bad time .
9 For us , all that symbolism represents a really bad time in our career , and part of the reason for us packing it all in .
10 The Ghosts are of Good alignment , and if they give the party a really bad time in combat they may desist , not wishing to kill , and offer the adventurers a chance to reconsider .
11 Well they had a particularly bad time many of them lost absolutely everything and now they 're protesting cos the Lloyds people are only coming up with a nine hundred million pound rescue package that might give them some of them back half of what they invested .
12 It should be remembered that generalisation about bereavement or any deep experience in life can be dangerous if carried to extremes , and if you are caring for an elderly parent of either sex who has lost his or her partner , you will have no idea of just how painful their sorrow is for them , so it will be wise simply to assume , whatever their reaction may be , that they are going through a very bad time indeed .
13 ‘ Bangkok , Islamabad , Kabul , Bogotá , Miami , Mexico City , Tijuana , San Diego , Bahamas , Ocho Rios , Ankara , Sofia — Andropulos playing both sides of the fence with those last two , the ethnic Turks are having a very bad time in Bulgaria just now , but Andropulos would n't let that interfere with his business interests — and Amsterdam .
14 Na er well of course I 'm seve seventy nine but I can still remember most of it and I did have a very bad time !
15 We had a very bad time with Ken , the buyer at first .
16 All she 'd done was to try and help Travis a little at a very bad time in his life , and just look at the aggravation she was getting for her trouble !
17 They have obviously been through a very bad time over the last few days and it is n't going to get any better over the next few weeks . ’
18 It 's a very bad time .
19 Guy Burgess had an even worse time .
20 The Lincolnshire fitters quickly crashed out with an even worse time .
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