Example sentences of "[adj] situation where [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In a social situation where the old regime was collapsing , where old relations were in flux and general insecurity was growing , the members of the non-dominant ethnic group would see the community of language and culture as the ultimate certainty , the unambiguously demonstrable value .
2 Another situation where a wife became involved was in the case of sickness , when over half the farms would rely on the wife to keep things going .
3 The Admissibility of Hearings of Petitioners by the Committee of South West Africa illustrates another situation where a member State unsuccessfully claimed that an international organisation had illegally extended its powers .
4 Another situation where the command down' is essential is within the home itself .
5 Another situation where the obligation will be imposed is where a person discusses his ideas with business organizations with a view to the commercial exploitation of those ideas ; for example , if a computer analyst has an idea for a new computer system and discusses that idea with software houses interested in developing and marketing the system .
6 A comparison of these ICUs could be very useful , but it is just this situation where the accumulation of points for physiological indices fails to allow such a comparison to be made .
7 We , we then had this situation where the , er , the Chief Constable ha went to great lengths to er , work out a new establishment for himself , and the senior management , and actually ach chi and er , and preempted it and then asked the er , the Home Office if he could use the money to increase the constables on the beat .
8 However , in the less restrictive situation where the firm 's revenue function is not iso-elastic , a sufficient condition for union wages and membership to move procyclically is that
9 He should not be named , but he begged me to tell the outside world of the appalling situation where the wounded are dying unnecessarily because the UN are refusing to transport the wounded out of the city . ’
10 Göran Petersson , head of an environmental research team , explained : " We are in the ironic situation where the purification work has been too successful .
11 In the happier situation where the assets are sufficient , s. 44(b) provides that debts and liabilities to persons outside the partnership are to be settled first : partners ' loans should then be repaid ; thereafter , partners ' capital contributions and finally any surplus assets should be distributed among the partners in the same proportions as they are entitled to take a share in the profits .
12 An arguably more compelling situation where a Commissioner may be of great use is in the area of unfair dismissal actions before an Industrial Tribunal .
13 On the one hand , setting and enforcing more adequate levels of child support goes some way to redressing the balance of the current situation where the costs of supporting children fall almost entirely on the mother .
14 very seldom is er one to one situation where the perpetrator does not have a gun or a weapon of some description so I do n't see it as being very helpful .
15 From Wassen the " old Gotthard road " crosses and re-crosses th valley before reaching ( in 5km , 3 miles ) Goschenen in its impressive situation where the Reuss river is joined by a main tributary just a it has emerged from the Schollenen gorge .
16 Let us now turn to a less difficult situation where the rule in section 20 may be affected , i.e. where the seller undertakes to deliver the goods .
17 This seems a useful technique for any situation where a straight piece of wood ends in a curve , since it maintains the visual integrity of the piece and is considerably easier than laminating a number of separate strips ( which I always find slide out of line while being clamped ) .
18 Intercal is another Windows-based product which checks interest calculations in any situation where the business user or private individual lends or borrows money — whether from a bank , building society , company etc .
19 Counsel maintained that in any situation where the facts , as here , would give rise to such a verdict , the death should be regarded as ‘ unnatural ’ within the meaning of section 8 .
20 These studies are important not only for gall stone recurrence after oral dissolution treatment but also for recurrence in any situation where the gall bladder remains in situ but the stones have been removed by percutaneous cholecystolithotomy , instillation of contact solvents such as MTBE and , to a lesser extent because of patient selection , by extra corporeal shock wave dissolution with or without adjuvant bile acids .
21 On no account can the service be offered to the predator in a contested situation where the target company is a KPMG audit client .
22 Here the marginality is less transitory and occurs in the post-tribal situation where the concept of liminality is less familiar to the discipline , even though transitions across spatial and temporal boundaries still create epistemological changes of the kind Turner describes .
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