Example sentences of "[adj] hair [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 As I approached I looked wonderingly at the slight figure with the soft fairish hair falling over his brow , at the holed cardigan and muck-encrusted wellingtons .
2 She yawned and her long brown hair fell over her face as she stretched her arms out .
3 She started to weep , with her long brown hair falling over her face .
4 Andy Barton , founder and chief executive of Barton Textiles , was almost as broad as he was long , virtually neckless , with incongruously long brown hair curling over his collar .
5 Wearing an unremarkable stripy T-shirt and jeans , and with his unkempt hair straggling over his broken glasses , Chris does n't exactly exude wealth .
6 And he was dressed only in faded jeans , his torso quite bare , his dark curly hair falling over his forehead .
7 Bill Saltman 's head appears round the door , with fingers of wet hair hanging over his leathery brown forehead .
8 But she smiled to herself , as she thought again of the handsome Spaniard with those black eyes full of a sense of fun and adventure , that mane of glossy hair falling over one eye — and his dark brown velvet voice , which had melted her heart a lot more than she admitted to Rosie .
9 A lock of straight chestnut-brown hair flopped over her brother 's high , idealistic forehead , and he smiled his crooked , boyish smile at her .
10 Her face was as white as her long dress , and her dark hair lay over her shoulders .
11 He started playing with the dark hair spilling over his chest .
12 He was a big man of about forty , with dark hair flopping over his forehead ; his eyes were dark too , strangely wide and clear like a child 's ; and his face was as familiar to her as Adam 's .
13 whether the girl standing on the opposite side of the crossroads , with her face hidden by the long dark hair falling over her shoulders as she waits to cross the road , head turned to watch the oncoming traffic , will look straight ahead so that he can see her face : and if so , whether it will fulfil his hopes ; and whether the fulfilment of his hopes would in itself be a kind of disappointment .
14 And then he was there , singing , his dark hair falling over his face as he plucked passionately at the strings of the guitar .
15 His girl leaned over him , talking to him , with her long straight hair swinging over his face .
16 In the kitchen , as she heard the sound of the car driving away , she slumped on to a stool , her long hair spilling over her fingers as she dropped her head into her hands with a heavy groan .
17 The girls ' long hair flowing over tight turtle-neck sweaters , eyes darkened against pale skin .
18 He was wearing an open-necked shirt , and his blond hair flopped over his eyes , which were smiling with a lazy insolence .
19 Mocking eyes closed , firm mouth relaxed , black hair tumbling over his high forehead , he appeared younger , exposed , subject to the vulnerability that sleep brought .
20 He was fat , and greasy black hair fell over his pimpled brow .
21 She would listen to me reading Coleridge , black hair falling over her sweet face , red boots at the side of the bed .
22 ‘ I said do n't ! ’ she shouted hoarsely , and slapped him around the face with a stinging blow that sent his head jerking back , black hair falling over his tanned forehead .
23 My wig was swinging from the hooks on the charm bracelet , my orange hair tumbled over my face like a pound of grapes in an egg-cup and one shoe-less leg stuck out of a semi-detached dress .
24 We assessed the situation , our snowy hair dripping over cups of tea , Having endured a night on the train , the purgatory of the road and now this , we felt obliged ‘ to be at one with the mountain ’ , and were soon following the pylons of a ski tow en route for Loch Avon and the Shelter Stone .
25 Branson and McLaren stood side by side on the upper deck , incongruous partners in crime , the contrast almost comical — McLaren in drainpipes , Branson with shoulder-length hair tumbling over a multi-coloured sweater of Hobbit-like cosiness .
26 High boned face , blue-eyed , faded permed lock of fair hair flopping over her eyes .
27 Looking down at the long fair hair flowing over her shoulders , at the skimpy dress , the unlived-in face , he felt immeasurably old for not wanting to sweep her off there and then and make passionate love to her .
28 A red man alone in the midst of his enemies , helmetless , red hair flying over his red plaid , mouth red as if from drinking the blood that flowed from wounds on his cheek , his hip and his right elbow , airy as a dancer , careless and crazy with excitement , yelling , singing , laughing and cheering , Lachlan was fighting six men together and winning .
29 The red hair flowed over bare white shoulders .
30 It wells up her perfectly tanned throat and finally she starts to shake , honey blonde hair cascading over slim shoulders .
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